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It was about three in the afternoon when Blake, Reece and George had to go to the venue for their concert. Blake left with a small kiss on Serenity's cheek, Reece had hugged both Cassie and Serenity, but George was still too shy to do anything about his liking of Cassie.

Once the boys had left, Cassie laid back on the bed she shared with Reece and George, letting out a heavy sigh.

"What's up?" Serenity asked, sitting at the edge of her and Blake's bed. They were both still in their pyjamas and Cassie had her hair tied into a loose ponytail.

"They're so annoying," Cassie laughed, jokingly.

"You three are the best of friends," Serenity replied. "I'm starting to get jealous, really. Soon, before you know it, Reece will be replacing me."

Cassie sat up and placed her hands on her knees, letting her arms rest through her shoulder blades. "That is not true!"

"'Is too," she laughed.

"What do you want to do today?" Cassie asked, sitting back up and looking at her best friend.

"We need to go back to your flat and grab some clothes," Serenity said, "and then I'll take you for some food?"

"You paid for me the whole time we were in London," Cassie told her, "now we're back in my home town, let me pay."

"Okay," Serenity said, shrugging. "Do you think Blake would mind if I wore one of his shirts?"

"Doubt it. I dare you to send him a mirror selfie of you wearing it, though."

"You're on."


Serenity and Cassie had made it to Cassie's flat about an hour later. Serenity had 'borrowed' one of Blake's black button up shirts, and had worn the leggings that she wore the day before. Just before they left the hotel, she had slipped into the bathroom to take a picture in the full length mirror to send to Blake.

Blake; Why do you look better in my clothes than I do?

Serenity; Have you even seen yourself in this shirt? Got all your fans thirsty.

Blake; Please never say that again-

Serenity chuckled to herself at his comment. She rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to her elbows before she went through her clothes, unsure of how much to bring.

Serenity; How long are you three in Nottingham?

Blake; Two more nights. Then we're off to Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow before we're done the tour.

Serenity; I guess we're just going to have to make the next few days worth the while then.

Blake; Every day with you is worth the while.

Serenity smiled down at her phone. Cassie was sat over on the floor by her dresser, rummaging through her clothes.

Serenity; Would you and the boys mind if we stayed over for the last two nights that you're here?

Blake; I sure wouldn't, but let me ask Reece and George.

Blake; They said of course; they'd love for you two to stay.

Serenity; Thank you xx

"They're only in Notts for two more nights," she told Cassie, packing enough clothing for the amount of time she'd be staying.

"What do you want to do after that?" Cassie asked as she zipped up her bag which was full of her things.

"I think I'm going to go back to London."

"Would you mind if I tagged along?" she asked, sliding her pyjama top over her head and tossing it into the clothes bin. "I'd like to see more of London, and spend more time with you, of course."

"Sure," Serenity said, "I don't see why not."

"I'm thinking of moving there, actually," Cassie told her. She had a small twinkle in her brown eyes and it made Serenity happy.


"It's rather nice there, and I mean, my best friend lives there— why not?"

"You're too amazing, babe."


Blake was sat with George and Reece in their dressing rooms, about a half an hour before the show. He wore one of his favourite button ups, tucked into a pair of simple black trousers and his hair was styled perfectly. In his lap was his phone, open to his and Serenity's conversation.

Blake threw his head back against the back of the couch and sighed loudly. "Fuck me."

"No thanks," Reece laughed, poking at Blake's side with his elbow. "What's up?"

"Blakey's got a crush," George teased.

"I do."

"Tell us everything!" the two boys exclaimed, practically jumping out of their seats.

"I don't understand what's so different about her. Whenever she's in the room, everything is just so much happier and brighter," Blake explained, running his hands up and down his thighs. "There's something... different, about her."

"You can see it in her eyes when she's around you," Reece told him, "you make her happy."

"I don't wanna rush into this."

"Just go the way you're going, yeah?" George smiled, putting his hand on Blake's shoulder in a comforting way. "She likes you as well, mate."

"What if I fuck everything up?" he asked shakily. "I don't want to lose her."

"You won't, and we're always going to be here for you, okay?" Reece smiled at him.

"Thank you both."

"Anytime, mate. Now, we've got 5 minutes to show, let's go be amazing."


Serenity and Cassie were laying on the two beds in the boys' hotel room, waiting for them to come home. Cassie was scrolling on her phone and Serenity, of course, had her book open in front of her, deeply engaged in the words before her.

She was too engrossed in her book to notice the three boys that had just walked in. Blake looked at the small girl spread out on his bed with her shorter hair dangling around her face. A smile appeared on his face while he walked over to her, slipping his shirt off.

"Hey," he said, sitting on the bed beside her. She snapped her head up and smiled, closing her book and turning her attention to the dark haired boy in front of her.

"Hello, there," she whispered, moving herself up against his pillows. "Was the show good?"

"Of course, it was really amazing. Got to meet some lovely fans as well," he told her, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

"Soon you're going to find a new fan to replace me with!" Serenity joked, immediately regretting it when she saw the look of sadness appear on his face. "I'm just kidding, darling. I know you would never."

"I'm glad you know that," he said, smiling again softly. Blake leaned over and whispered in her ear softly. "May I kiss you?"

"Please," she replied. Blake's soft lips pressed against hers and at that moment, it felt like time had stopped. Blake pulled away after a moment and smiled.

"I've to go shower," he said, "I'm all sweaty."

"I'll be right here, waiting for you."


[ i love that blake asks for consent before kissing her. take notes. ]

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