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Serenity; George, something's happened.

Cassie was sat atop the bathroom counter, Serenity standing between her legs with a few cotton balls and a bottle of alcohol. She was dabbing a smaller cut under Cassie's eye with a cotton ball while Cassie held her cold cloth to the scar on her stomach. Tears were pouring through her eyes, but she was barely aware of anything that was happening.

"I'm so sorry," Serenity frowned, backing away from the hurt girl and throwing the used cotton balls away. "I got distracted and took too long coming home; if I wouldn't have run into Shawn then—"

"Serenity," Cassie scowled, choking back a small sob as she jumped off the counter, "it wasn't your fault."

"But I could've stopped it if I was here," she frowned. Cassie turned towards her best friend and placed the hand that wasn't holding the cloth to her cut on the side of her face.

"I love you, but shut up."

Serenity let out a choked laugh, a small tear falling through her eye. She hugged Cassie as gently as she could before she walked out of the bathroom with her phone vibrating like mad in her back pocket.

George; What?

George; Serenity you cannot just message me things like that and not reply.

George; Is it Cassie?

Serenity; She's hurt.

Serenity went over to the couch in the lounge and sat down, pulling her knees up to her chest. The sleeves of her navy blue jumper were rolled up a little above her elbows, and she had discarded her socks earlier on, leaving them somewhere off in the flat. She hated socks.

Her phone was in her shaky hand, opened to her and George's conversation. The typing bubble kept popping up and disappearing, causing worry to flow through her veins. She slid out of the conversation and pressed Blake's name, not quite knowing who else to go to.

Serenity; I'm scared Blake

It wasn't long before Blake replied, leaving a ghost of a smile on Serenity's tear-stained face. Cassie walked out of the bathroom with her tank top pulled down, a small outline of a piece of gauze medical-taped to her stomach. She had her phone in her hand as well, but she wasn't texting George—she was on call with him.

"You don't have to do that, George," she said, sitting down on the small, half-moon armchair, making sure to be mindful of her cut.

Blake; I know you are

Blake; We're cancelling the last date of our tour, we'll be there later on tonight x

Serenity; what about all your fans?

Blake; We've got that all sorted out, love.

Blake; George won't rest until he knows Cassie's safe.

Serenity; it's all my fault, Blake.

Blake; No, it isn't. We'll figure it out, alright?

Serenity smiled down at the texts. She knew she could feel safe with Blake, but she also knew that it was her fault that Cassie got hurt, no matter what anyone said.

"Okay," Cassie said, "we'll see you there. Yes, I promise. Goodbye, you absolute banana."

"George?" Serenity asked as Cassie hung up, placing her phone in her lap.

"Mhm," she hummed. "He wants us to go stay at their flat for a while."

"They have a flat here?" Serenity inquired, running her hands through her hair.

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