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"I dunno, Reece," Cassie laughed, elbowing him lightly in a joking manner, "I still love you."

"Aw, poor Reecey-Poo," Serenity chuckled, "if it helps, you're better than Blake."

"Flowers!" Blake fake-gasped, holding his hand over his heart as if he was wounded, a frown playing on his face. "I thought I was your favourite!"

"Says who?"


"I'm obviously her favourite," Cassie said, flipping her hair as George wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her shivering body closer to his.

"What about me," George frowned jokingly.

"Oh my god," Serenity laughed, holding her arms around her torso. "You're all my favourite."

"Come here baby," Blake chuckled, opening his arms for the girl. She took him up on his offer gratefully and walked into his open arms, the warmth overtaking her cold body immediately.

"This isn't the end of the plans we made," Reece said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jean jacket.

"Nope," Blake replied. Serenity looked up at him with wonder.

"That's a secret as well, I presume?" Cassie asked, leaning into her boyfriend for warmth.

"You got it!" he laughed, placing the blindfold back over Cassie's eyes.

Blake took the blindfold out of his pocket and slid it over Serenity's eyes, moving his head only slightly so he could whisper in her ear, "this isn't how I pictured seeing you in a blindfold."

She felt his hands place themselves on her arms and a shiver fell down her spine. "How'd you picture me then?"

"Naked, on my bed," Blake insinuated simply.

"Oh," she hummed, a fuzzy feeling spreading throughout her gut. Blake chuckled lowly and watched the two boys lead a blind Cassie over to the limousine before smacking her ass lightly. She let out a gasp but was immediately silenced by a soft kiss. He pulled away and took her hand, leading her over to the limo that the three boys had reserved for the day.

Blake helped her into the large vehicle and waited until she was sat down to take her blindfold off. Cassie was already in her seat with her blindfold off, and her mouth was gaping at how beautiful the inside of the limo was.

"You got us a limo?" Serenity asked, her fingers still entwined with Blake's.

"We did," the three boys replied.


"Reservations for Richardson, please," Blake said with the four others standing behind him. The boys had made reservations for an elegant restaurant somewhere in downtown London, but the girls had no idea what the name of it was. They also had no idea that the boys were dressed rather fancily under their jackets, but they soon found that out as they sat down at their table, which had a beautiful candelabra in the middle of it.

"You guys seriously didn't have to do this," Serenity said as the five of them sat down. She felt rather underdressed in her leggings and green t-shirt, but Blake has reassured her that she looked fine.

"We wanted to," George said, a smile forming on his face. "You two really deserve it."

"Yeah," Reece agreed, "especially after everything that's happened in the last bit."

Blake stayed quiet as the four of them conversated while they looked over the menu. Serenity must've noticed because she put her hand on his knee in a comforting way. He shot her over a small, faux smile as if everything was okay, even though it necessarily wasn't. He opened the menu and scanned over it, but he didn't feel like eating. 

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