Part 8: The Real Hunt Begins...

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"We can't waste time, I'm going to find my brother; who's with me?"

Arthur raised his hand. "This is my fault, so I must fix it."

Francis nodded. "I will help too."

"Why?!" Arthur spat.

Francis smiled. "I think of him as mon petit frere." Francis did also have another reason, but it's a secret, so we'll respect his privacy.

Ivan giggled, making everyone wince. "I will help too."

No one objected.

Gilbert and Antonio also agreed, they did taunt Arthur into summoning Oliver after all.

Matthew smiled. "Great. Now that we have our search party, let's find Alfred."

Everyone nodded and split up into pairs.

Much to Arthur's dismay, he was paired with Francis. Matthew was with Gilbert and Toni was with Ivan.

"Alright, everyone, you all know what to do."

Everyone set off.

Matthew sighed. "Don't worry, Alfie, I'm coming..."

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