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Francis smiled sadly, twirling the single perfect red rose in his hand.

"Roses were always your favorite." He said quietly.


"I think you would be happy," He continued. "Alfred and Matthew have really grown up. It's not the same without you, amour, but I do my best."

No response.

"I... I really try to be strong, amour, I really do, but..." He let a few tears drip down his face. "I miss you so much."

Arthur couldn't take it anymore, he exposed himself.

Francis' eyes widened, he dropped the rose.

"You're... here." He covered his mouth.

The angel smiled. "Not for long."

Francis walked to him, Arthur pulled him close. They both blushed.

"You've done such a great job, love. I know it hasn't been easy for you."

Francis pulled himself further into Arthur's embrace.

"Je t'aime, mon ange."

Arthur kissed his soft flawless gold hair. "I love you too, Francis... so much."

Francis looked up at him. "I wish I could go with you."

Arthur hummed for a moment. "Well, I suppose if you want to..."

"Please, amour."

They kissed.

"Very well, love. I'll never leave you again."

They vanished, leaving a single grave.

Here lies Arthur Kirkland and Francis Bonnefoy. Not even death could separate them. May they forever be at peace.

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