Day Two

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It was really quiet.
Too quiet.

That's the first thing that Harry took note of when he walked into his shop.
He'd run off to the gas station to pick up some snacks and drinks.
It'd only taken him 10 minutes, at most.
What could've happened?

Zayn was sulking, sitting at his station with arms crossed, while Liam worked with a client at his own station near by.
Niall was sitting at the cash register, on his phone.

Slowly, Harry's eyes drifted to the person who was sitting next to Niall.

A small teenager, with feathery caramel hair, tan skin, and those damn blue eyes.
Today, he was wearing tight black skinny jeans, a white crop top hoodie with a pineapple on it, and the same pair of converse as yesterday.

So that's why Zayn was sulking more than usual.

Harry was so entranced by the boy, that he didn't realize he was staring, until Niall's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Hey mate. You get my food?" he asked, somewhat impatiently.

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckles, tossing Niall a Red Bull and a jumbo bag of cheese puffs.
Niall's eyes lit up and he eagerly grabbed the food, tearing into it.

The Irish lad's reaction sparked humor in the mystery teen, causing a soft chuckle to pass his lips.

Harry felt like he was going to faint.
The sound was so soft and innocent and-
Jesus Christ, what was this kid doing to him?

"I didn't expect to see you hear again kid. 'M Harry." he introduced, pushing past his awkwardness.

The caramel haired lad offered a small smile, though Harry got the distinct that the teenager was just humoring him.
"I'm Louis." he replied, plucking a cheese puff from Niall's bag, and tossing it into his own mouth.

Niall didn't even bat an eye, much to everyone's surprise, and simply bumped shoulders with Louis, before turning back to his phone.
Louis stole another cheese puff.

"Don't you have school, kid? Or some tea party to go to?" Zayn piped up, obviously still uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Liam sighed, and shook his head, as he paused his job, allowing his client to take a small break.
"Don't Zayn.." the puppy eyed man warned softly.
Zayn huffed.

But it was too late.
Louis had raised a brow, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"Don't be salty Zayn." he quipped, now knowing the raven haired man's name.

Louis waved a dismissal hand, and ate another cheese puff.
"And if you want a tea party, then I have to inform you, role play is an up- charge," he deadpanned.

Niall cackled, placing a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound.
Liam couldn't help the small grin that fought its way onto his face.
Harry and Zayn just looked dumbfounded.

Pleased with these reactions, Louis grinned triumphantly, and turned to pick up his bag.
He elbowed Niall (who was still laughing) lightly in the ribs, then walked out the door.
The teenager didn't miss the chance to blow Zayn a kiss on his way past either.

It was a few minutes before Niall could stop laughing, and by that time, the rest of the boys had traded their dumbfounded expressions, for uneasy amusement; while Louis had disappeared down the street.

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