Day Four

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Back to normal weather patterns for Manchester, it was gray and rainy outside.

The shop was very busy, with every single one of the boys having at least two clients each.
Even Niall had clients, though the boy didn't do tattoos. He did piercings.
At the moment, there was no one to work the register, because everyone was occupied.

Well, until Louis showed up.
He strolled right through the door, and looked around, but no one noticed him enter.
Looking around at the crowded shop, Louis understood why, but he also had to roll his eyes at the boys' pure stupidity.
Why would they book so many appointments, and not have someone to take care of the register?
Already, there were a few people waiting by the counter, wanting to pay and leave.

Louis sighed.
'Guess I have to be the responsible one here..'
The small teenager hopped up to Niall's stool behind the counter, and dumped his backpack on the floor next to him.

The finished customers immediately lined up, ready to go.

Louis greeted each person with a smile, and wished them a good day before they left.
It was as if his personality had done a complete 180 from how he was around the boys.

The customers loved him, leaving extra in tip jar for the young man, and even writing out on their receipt survey that they thought he was a great employee, if not a bit young.

Steadily, the shop began to clear, until it was late in the evening, and only the boys and Louis remained.
The boys were confused as to who took care of the finished customers.

That is, until Niall strolled over to the register and spotted Louis.
"Guys.. Look!"

Louis had fallen asleep in Niall's chair, with his head snuggled into the crook of his elbows, which were laying on the counter.
The tip jaw was almost half full, and everything had been written out in the records for the day.
Nothing was out of place.

Harry's jaw dropped, and he sifted through the papers.
"Wow.. He's way more organized than you are Nialler!" he teased, grinning.

Liam snickered and even Zayn spared a sly grin.
The raven haired man reached over the counter and shook Louis' shoulder cautiously, as if the teen was a dangerous animal.

Niall rolled his eyes and shoved Zayn lightly, prompting the latter to stick out his tongue.

"No fighting children." Liam chided playfully.

Louis blinked his eyes open groggily and yawned, furrowing his brow and tensing a bit when he noticed all four boys standing around him.
"Have you guys just been watching me sleep? That's a bit creepy mate.." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes with closed fists.

Niall chuckled.
"No Lou. We're just admiring your beauty." he quipped with a sly grin.

Louis rolled his eyes and pretended to sassily flip his hair.
"No need to stare lads. I'm not going anywhere." he joked.

Niall snickered.
"You conceited little shit."

Louis smirked and elbowed Niall, then grabbed his bag, and hopped off the stool.
Literally hopped.
As much as he hated to admit it, he was so short that his feet didn't touch the ground when he was on the stool.
With a quick check of the time, Louis sighed, and glanced out the window.

Still pouring cats and dogs.

Louis grimaced at the thought of having to walk home in this.
"Sorry lads, but I should probably get going." he stated.

Niall was feeling particularly sassy today.
"Oh now. Whatever shall we do without your stunning beauty?" he deadpanned.

"Oh, however will you all survive? I'll be back tomorrow, and I'll be sure to remember my outrageously good looks." the blue eyed boy quipped, then took a deep breath, and walked out the door, into the pouring rain.

It took less time then normal for him to disappear from view, and all four of the boys watched, all secretly a bit worried about the kid, though they couldn't place why.

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