Day Seventeen

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It was the ninth day, already late at night.
The streetlights had come on, casting small, pale circles of yellow light across the streets.
It was raining outside, the droplets causing hard pattering sounds against the darkened windows of the tattoo shop.

Zayn and Liam had gone home, to the flat they occupied, which was a couple blocks away from the shop.
Harry and Niall had also gone home, through the door which was right next to the shop, and into their flat, which was right above the shop.

Harry sighed and layed out on the couch, trying to focus on the movie he was watching.
It was some gay rom-com, the type of movie that Harry normally loved, but he just couldn't focus.

Finally, he sighed and sat up.
"Niall! I'm ordering food, do you want some!?" he called out to his friend, who was in the office, playing FIFA.

Niall scoffed, not taking his eyes off his game.
"That's a stupid question! Of course I want food!" was his reply.

Harry chuckled dryly and stood up to grab his phone.
Luckily, they had the closest pizza place on speed dial, so he only had to hit one button.
The curly haired boy began to put in their order, only to be interrupted by Niall.

"Don't forget the garlic knots!"

Harry rolled his eyes, but honored his friend's request anyways.

After only 10 minutes, there was a knock at the door, and Harry furrowed his brow.
Their food wouldn't be ready for another 20 minutes, so who could that be?

Niall wasn't leaving the office, so Harry huffed and jogged down the stairs, opening the door.

On the doorstep, shivering in the ran, was a familiar, if bruised, teenager, with haunting blue eyes.

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