Day Five

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It was chilly and cloudy outside, but at least the rain had let up a little.

The appointments for the day were more spread out, thankfully, and Niall didn't have any customers, so things weren't as out of control as they were the day before.

Louis came in quite early, and was talking with Niall, who he'd become good friends with, since they were closest in age (and height).

Since they way Louis had taken charge the day before, Zayn had developed a begrudging respect for the boy, sparing him a nod in greeting, before continuing with his client.

Liam, who wasn't the most talkative or outwardly emotional to begin with, was noticeably more comfortable around the boy as time passed.
He started talking more, joking and messing about with the other lads, which he normally wouldn't do around strangers.

Harry was conflicted.
He adored the boy, a bit more then he probably should, but he was also confused by the teen.
It was the little things that he had noticed about Louis that confused him the most.

The teen was so sassy and bright, but it was almost like a defense.
Every time someone touched him, he tensed subtly, and no one had seen him in short sleeves.
No one knew where he came from, or where he went.

They only knew one thing for certain.

Louis really wanted a tattoo.

That was what he was complaining about currently.
The boys weren't giving in though, and soon, another round of appointments came through, leaving only Harry free.

The curly haired man sat next to Louis, with a sketch book in hand.
Louis raised a brow at Harry, and crossed his arms over his chest sassily.
"What's that for?" he asked.

Harry smiled and opened the book to a blank page.
"What kind of tattoo do you want Louis? I'll draw out the designs, so when the day comes, we'll already have everything."

Louis was taken aback for a moment, surprised by the fondness in Harry's tone.
His heart was warmed at the kind gesture.
A hesitant smile spread across his face, as he began describing his dream tattoos.

And if both boys were completely content with sitting there all afternoon, no one had to know.

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