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"I'm so excited!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  The boys screamed their lungs out.

"Me too. And what's exciting is that I'm graduating here with my unicorn." Yuri agreed to the boys.

"Aww.. so sweet.." Key cooed.

"So what's your plan guys?" Suho asked. Well, as usual, no one is listening to him. He repeat the question but still, no one responds.

"Eomma wants me to go back to Canada and study there. I'm taking up Accountancy." Jhin answered him. Everyone became silent on what she said.

"You're leaving?" Kai asked. Jhin nods as an answer. Kai look at her with his sad eyes.

"I'm sorry." Jhin said.

"I thought We'll enter college together? You're leaving me here?"

"Kai, it's just five years. I know you can wait for me. But if not then you can find another girl. I'll be here every summer and Christmas break so..."

"I won't find another girl. Don't you ever break up with me because I won't accept it." Kai said coldly.

"I'm not breaking up with you. I won't do that." Jhin said.

"And don't forget that we live on a modern era. Technology exists Kai. You can video chat or call everyday and hey, you can go to Canada if you want. You can study there." Taemin explained.

"I can't go there. Appa wants me to handle the business here because my hyung is handling the other companies and I'm going to be the next mafia leader so.."

"Aish. such a baby." Jhin said and hugged Kai. 

"Ayiehh!!!!" The others cooed. Lay went to Yuri and hugged her tight.

"So wha's your plan?" Luhan asked.

"My group will be debuting after our graduation so we'll be busy being Kpop stars." Onew said.

"Wow, that's great hyung." Xiumin said.

"How about you guys?" Jhin asked.

"Well, I'm going to Canada with you to handle our business." Donghae answered..

"I know. And Taemin-oppa will be left here for his career. And Kris-oppa was still in China and live there for good." Jhin said.

"Aww... I miss him." Tao said.

"We do, too." EXO members said loudly that it filled the room.

"So, everyone is going to handle their companies?" Donghae asked and everyone nods.

"I'll be the only one who's entering colege?" Jhin asked, surprised. Everyone looked at her and nod. "Wae?"

"Because you're the youngest?" Taemin said.

"what's the connection of me being the youngest and me, the only one, who's going to college?" They shrugged and smiled. "Aish...." Jhin said in frustration. Kai hugged her and that made her blush.

"We still have the whole summer vacation to spend together before parting ways right?" Kyuhyun said.

"Not all of us, because those exchange students need to go back to China." Lay said.

"aww... how sad." Baekhyun said.

"Special Class, get ready. We're going to start practicing your graduation any minute now."

--- GRADUATION DAY........


"Now our farewell speech from Ms. Lee Young Jhin. Let's give her a round of applause." The speaker said. I stood up and walk proudly. I look at my family and they gave me thumbs up. 

"I'm proud of you." Kris-oppa mouthed. Yepp, he's here. Even though, he didn't graduated with us, he's here to celebrate it with us.

I stood infront of the podium and looked at everyone. My gaze stop at Kai who was looking at me straight with his million-dollar smile that made my heart beat hundred times than normal. I cleared my throat before starting.

"To our great Principal, Seongsaengnims, Parents, Classmates, students, Friends, Good evening!!." I started and smiled.

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case… princess." I stated and they all giggled.

"When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist because I love playing baseball. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!" I continued and some gasped to the last sentence. They all giggled again.

"This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - A LOT. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent." I continued. Everyone is so focused.

"So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won't have to guess. We'll know." I said. I looked at my friends and to Kai and smiled. He gave me thumbs up.

"Yonsei University is a place where teachers encouraged us to break the status quo and define ourselves as we choose. Where a jock can cook up a mean crème brulee," I said looking at DO, Lay, Chanyeol and Taemin-oppa who tried to cook creme brulee when we're wpending our free time at the dorm.

"And a brainiac can break it down on the dance floor. It's a place where one person, if it's the right person, changes us all." Then I look at Kai.

"Yonsei University is having friends we'll keep for the rest of our lives, and that means we really are 'all in this together'. We are one!" I say getting louder as I say the last sentence. EXO and PHEONEX together with the other special class students cooed. I bow as a sign that I end my speech and they gave me a round of applause again.

"Now, May I present to you, Yonsei University graduates batch 2014." The Principal said and we all throw our graduation cap in the air while screaming...

"Congratulations!!!" Can be heard everywhere. You can here some sobs. 

"Hey, congratulations." Kris-oppa said as he approach me. He hugged me tightly.

"Komowo, oppa." I said.

"Group hug!!!!" I heard someone shout and the next thing I new, I was getting hugged.

"yah!! I-I c-can't breath..." I said and they broke the hugged. Well, it's them my friends.

"So? Are you going to attend the grad ball tomorrow night?" Chen asked.

"Which one?" Chanyeol asked.

"The special class' grad ball of course. I don't want to attend the regulars'. I might die." Chen joked.

"All of us need to attend. Don't even try to missed it." DO said.

"Yeah." We agreed.

"We are one!!!!!"

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