RECIPE: Coconut Peach Lemonade

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Even though summer break is over, it's still hot outside and you need cold and sweet for after school! This coconut peach lemonade will quench your thirst immediately! If you have any drinks, desserts, or dishes you want me to do an update on, just comment!

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▪ 2 heaping TBS honey(or use a mixture of 1 TBS honey and 6 drops of stevia)

▪ 2 cups of coconut water

▪ 2 ripe peaches, pits removed(plus more for optional garnish)

▪ fresh squeezed juice of 4 large lemons

▪ ice

▪ lemon slices, peach and mint for garnish(if desired)


Put honey, coconut water, 2 peaches and juice of four lemons into your high speed blender, and blend until smooth. Strain (if desired) and serve over ice with a few lemon and peach slices with a sprig of fresh mint.

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