Getting Adjusted

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Alya raced to the pods with Pidge dragging herself along. As they make it to the pods they see Marinette helping out drowsy Adrien.

"MARI! YOU'RE OKAY!!!!" she screamed as she raced over and tackled her almost to the ground.

"Hate to be the party pooper...but where are we?" Marinette barley got out.

Pidge walked closer to the almost crushed Marinette. "You're in the castle of lions." She explained. 

Marinette jumped back thus making Alya fall. "WHO ARE YOU?" Marinette screamed.

"I'm Pidge, one of the paladins of Voltron." Pidge explained helping Adrien up (poor Alya).


"I'll explain it to you later," Alya pointed out helping herself up giving Pidge the death glare.

Pidge just gave her the "Vengeance is finally mine" look.

"W-w-where's Plagg and Tikki?" Adrien mumbled trying to get himself off of Pidge.


"Their Kwamis"

"Oh yeah! They're in the living room. Follow me."

As they were walking to the living room (after getting dressed), they smelled the magical smell of tacos. "Is there a kitchen here?" Adrien questioned rubbing his stomach.

"OH! That's just Hunk cooking up some food for dinner." Pidge explained with Trixx napping on her shoulder (aaawww). 

"Well, can we go see what else he has cooking?" Marinette asked with her nose still in the air trying to absorb all the goodness in it.

"How about you guys get your Kwa-". 

Before Alya could finish, Tikki flew out of the kitchen. "MARINETTE!"

"TIKKI!" They ran to each other and squeezed each other so tight Tikki was turning pale. So of course Adrien separated them. 

"Are you okay?" Marinette questioned. 

"I'm fine! I was just helping my new friend Hunk with dinner!" Tikki explained bouncing in the air as if she was in a bouncy house.

"Can I meet him?"

"OF COURSE!!!! HE LOVES MEETING NEW PEOPLE AND ALIENS!!!!!" Tikki screamed flying her way back to the kitchen.

A little confused, Marinette and the others entered the kitchen, Hunk was stirring the meat around in the pan. Plagg was stirring the cake mix. Pollen was chopping up vegetables and Wayzz was looking through the cook book.

Plagg looked up to see Adrien and soon stopped stirring. "ADRIEN! You... LOOK TERRIBLE!!"

"Good to see you too. Plagg," Adrien sighed looking at the three amigos trying there hardest not to laugh.

"Oh hey, glad to see you guys up!" Hunk said with a big goofy smile on his face.

"Thanks, I'm Marinette, this is Alya, Adrien, and Trixx." She said pointing to the others.

That's when Shiro walked in. "I see someones awake."

Marinette turned around to see Shiro and immediately went red. "OOOHHH H-hello-o... si-ir, its a pl-p-p-p-p-PLEASURE to meet yo-ou s-s-s-s-s-SIR!" She managed to get out.

Shiro just stared at her oddly.

"Anyway Pidge, Allura still has nothing on how they survived out there."

"Out where?" Adrien asked. 

"In space." Shiro explained.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted.

"H-how?!?!" Alya ask.

"It must be by that portal in the sky?" Marinette explains still shocked.

"Portal?" Pidge questioned.

Before anything else, Coran came rushing in "Sorry to interrupt, but the other 2 are finally up!"

They rushed in the pod room too and saw Keith helping Nino stand up while Chloe's sat down rubbing her head. 

Pollen flew in. "CHLOE!" They both hugged,

Wayzz flew to Nino. "Master, are you alright?" Wayzz questioned putting his stubby hand on Nino's cheek.

"Yeah... just dizzy. Where are we Wayzz?" Nino questioned STILL not noticing Keith helping him.

"You're in space." Keith said in his usual emo, flat voice.

"Wait... WHAT?!" 

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