This...means... WAR (pt.2)

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Before Allura could except the fact those words came out of that little devil's mouth, the cluster whacked Allura far from the others.

"Allura!" Lance and Alya screamed as they ran over to her and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked.

"H-haggar...Is working with..." She couldn't even finish the sentence due to the stage of shock she was in.

"...Hawkmoth." Rena Rouge said finishing her sentence.

"Let's get you to the house," Lance said more focusing on Allura being hurt.

While they were helping her to the house they saw a glowing blob with two gems going everywhere until, finally, it splint into 2 different forms.

"OH NO" Steven screamed with Shiro more confused than ever. "Who ar-"

"SAPPHIRE AND RUBY!" Steven screamed. 

Lance stood there before finally coming back to his senses. "Alya, Help Allura to the house, I need to help them." Lance explained before running off. 

"ON IT... I guess..." Rena Rouge said, now realizing her necklace was flickering. 

Lance made his way to Steven trying to carry Sapphire to the house while Shiro piggybacked Ruby to the house. "Give the blue one to me Steven, You need to help the others." Lance said holding his arms out.

"Bu-but..." Steven trailed off after turning his eyes to see the others losing the battle. "Fine." Steven mumbled handing the unconscious Sapphire to Lance.

As Steven ran towards the battle, Shiro and Lance booked it to the house. Once Steven got to the field he saw the cluster tackle Connie to the ground with one of its many arms. His blood heated through his veins, heart racing, brain going erratic, eyes with a dead shot glare, and fists clenched. His gem began to glow as he ran faster than he'd ever run in his life. His shield appeared, thus throwing his shield. Yet somehow the shield cut through the cluster itself, causing it to crumble into its clunky gem form.

"How could you destroy him... while we couldn't?" Bee Queen questioned as Hunk and Cat Noir shrugged.

Steven raced to Connie as she was barley able to keep her pinky up. "ARE YOU OKAY?" Steven questioned lifting her chin up to see scratches and bruises and tears drifting down her cheeks.

"I-i'm fine." Connie stuttered giving her trembling hand to Steven's hand. As he helped her up and used his other hand to vanish her tears away.

Keith made his way to the collapsed Gem Cluster rubble to exam it more as the now turned back Nino also made his way over.

"Please don't touch it." Pearl demand in the nicest way possible.

"Why?" Keith questioned lifting it up, not knowing Amethyst would snatch it out of his hand.

"Well first of all, its too dangerous for normal hands like yours," Amethyst explained bubbling up as she spoke. 

"Where did that gem go?" Chloe asked.

"The galactic burning room." Amethyst said as if it were nothing important.

"Wait, where's Garnet?" Peridot questioned.

"And Marinette?" Nino questioned. 

"Now that you mention it, Allura's no where in sight!" Coran realized.

"Don't worry. They're all back at the house," Steven said putting his hand lightly on Peridot's back to calm her down.

As they entered a hat, they saw Marinette sitting on the side of Steven's bed rubbing her eyes along side Sapphire and Ruby in a coma like sleep besides each other on the couch, and Alya giving Allura some tea while Trixx and Tikki were petting the foreheads of Ruby and Sapphire as they finally saw Lance and Shiro talking to Allura and Alya.

"Are you okay princess?" Coran questioned running towards Allura. 

"I'm fine... BUT, what happen to the cluster?" she questioned losing the grip to her mug.

"Don't worry, we took care of it," Peridot said giving her a wink. 

"Where's Lapis?" Marinette asked walking down the stairs some what clumsily as Adrien helped her out after a few steps.

"She went back to the barn for some alone time. She took pumpkin too," Lance answered giving her a hand down the stairs (sorry, Adrien).

"W-who are those two?" Pidge asked pointing toward them.

"Meet Sapphire and Ruby... Garnet's fusion," Amethyst slowly responded worried about her knocked out friends, while walking slowly to the couch to check Ruby's pulse.

"Wait, how do they form her?" Keith asked coming to the kitchen counter with the others.

"It's there love taken form into something stronger." Steven explained sitting on the stairs with Connie, Plagg, and Pidge. 

"So if gems love each other, its like having a child?" Keith asked more than a little confused.

"Exactly!" Pearl said on the other side of the couch while Chloe, Peridot, and Wayzz sat on the floor. 

Finally, after a few hours of chatter and eating pizza, Ruby was the first to wake up.

"*Groan*, What happe-". Before she could finish she saw Sapphire still unresponsive. "SAPPHIRE!? NO... NO PLEASE WAKE UP!" she pleaded with all her will and might. Pearl and Steven dragged her away as she burst into tears.

"Ruby, Ruby... Breath." Pearl whispered, hugging her tight around her arms.

All Ruby could do was remember the pain and gasp every few seconds for air. Everyone just surrounded the two, not knowing what to do. Finally, Hunk made a move to her and squeezed both of them tightly.

"It'll be ok... she's goanna wake up. I promise," Hunk vowed allowing Ruby to at least wheeze air into her self before finally swallowing it in big gasp as Pearl, ironically, suffocated her more than ever.

After a minute or two Ruby finally calmed down. Everyone tried their best to go and do something else. But Ruby... she didn't leave Sapphire's side for even one second. She felt like nothing.    

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