Will it work

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After a long 2 hours, everyone was finally ready. 

HUMAN ZOO: Alya, Steven, Lance, Hunk, Chloe (deserves it)

JASPERS: Allura (Yes i'm doing it), Keith, Lapis, Nino

AMYTHESTS: Marinette, Amythest (obviously), Shiro, Adrien

STAY ON SHIP: Pollen, Wayzz, Tikki, Plagg, Trixx, Lion, Coran, Connie, Peridot, Pidge

"Okay so were all ready!" Sapphire yelled excitedly. Everyone just nodded in concern and humiliation. "Alright then, Let's go!" Ruby said with her voice becoming more shaky with every word. 

They quickly flew to blue diamond's ship hand, and into where the ships land (idk what its called). They slowly proceeded out of the ship. "Lance... Don't get hurt..." Keith whispered, gripping onto Lance's wrist. 

"...Y...Yeah.... You too Samurai." Lance whispered back, lightly blushing rose pink, eyes darting away a little embarrassed. 

Once everyone got off, they saw 2 Amythest guards with mint green skin, nighttime purple hair, a red left eye and a pitch black right eye and rainbow outfit with silver boots along side a gold shoulder length cape. 

"Can we help you?" one of the guards asked strictly. "Um... YES! i'm here to donate to the human zoo, and i found a ship with some guards stranded, so I wanted to return them." Sapphire replied calmly; while everyone else tried their hardest not to die by laughter. And that's saying ALOT for the hero squad.

"Very well. Humans follow me, the rest follow the other one." The Amythest commanded. "Wait, where's Holly Blue?" Sapphire asked.

"She wouldn't allow hawk moth to change her, so she was shattered." The other guard finally spoke up.  Making the gem summon a shiver down their spines. After a minute or two of awkward silence, the Amythests split up. 

After five minutes, They made it to a large blue door. It slowly opened to reveal darkness, with a dark blur figure with glowing butterflies surrounding the room. "My diamond..." "...Can I help you..." A low, creaky voice replied slowly and lifeless. 

"We have a sapphire with a bit of a gift for you." The guard responded coldly but in a gesturing sort of way. Making Sapphire wish to hold Ruby's hand. 'thank god it's so dark." Sapphire and Ruby both though, giving each other a glare of fear for life. 

"WELL! what are you waiting for... SEND THEM IN!" The blue figure command, her voice now stern and rusty. Making the Amythest speed walk her way out (cant blame her). Just leaving the non gems confused. They slowly made their way in.

The non gems not just realizing the blue figure's light blue assistant, but how the dark blue figure was sitting, and she already did looked like a giant. 

"WHAT IS IT?!" The figure commanded as she slammed her fist on the arm of her thrown. Making her pearl flinch.

"Well... My diamond, I found a stranded ship full of these guards... so we decided to bring them back to you my diamond..." Sapphire explained, shaking like tree during a tornado. 

"Very well, before you go... We would like to give you a... promotion." Blue diamond replied, trying to now act classy in an odd gesture. 

"Oh... really. And that would be?" Sapphire questioned, already knowing what she meant.

"Well... A bit of an upgrade, it can give you amazing abilities honestly, by a good friend of mine."

"Oh really..." "Yes... He's actually here right now. Why don't you show yourself HAWKMOTH!" 

Slowly but gracefully, a window opened like a camera lens, to show Hawkmoth under the light from outer space, looking directly at worried bunch. His stare, full of tricks and plans for the world to be his. 

"Pleasure to meet you." Hawk moth announced, in a persuasive yet killer tone of voice. 

"He's been very helpful for us, and he'll be great for your terrible problem... The one that started 6,000 years ago." Blue diamond pointed out a twisted tone of voice. Sapphire and Ruby and the others froze, what they though would never came true... now opened up to reality

Suddenly, akumas got close to the team members. The next thing you know; screens appeared on front of the team to see the there selves. 

"These cameras are just remarkable hawk moth!" Blue diamond complimented as he was standing up, once she walked away form her throne, a giant scrren erased the others, to show the ships landing and the others members, going to one of the ships. 

Everyone froze, they were breathless, eyes in dead shock. No one could describe the fear and shock they were deeply buried in. 

"Now then, let's fix this problem." Blue whispered as she summoned her weapon...

 A bow an arrow. She released laugh filled with no hope... no will. She quickly struck, Evey one immediately spread out. But Hawk Moth wasn't gonna stand around. He picked up his cane and ran to Keith, but little did he know about his bayard.

He struck his bayard against Hawk Moth's cane. It was a war of who's weapon can stay in one position for so long. But Nino and Marinette through there selves on top of him. Punching him left to right, up and down. Allura and Sapphire where behind each other, Allura using her bayard and Sapphire using her ice powers, as Amythest guard came running in. Lapis flying Shiro to Blue diamond, making him use his robot hand, Adrien used his kungfu, as he kicked the Amythest guards asses and Keith striking left and right with his sword like a baseball bat. Alongside pearl sword fighting blue pearl. 

Until finally Blue snapped, She used her powers giving the gems wash away their courage and replaced with her pain (except the guards by hawk moth). Giving the guards the advantage to tackle the gems and the others more pressure with more guards around them. Finally... Blue could end this. She put her bow back in position and striked.

Making the room glow bright, only to reveal the knocked of crew. "Finally, take them to the cell. But lave the Ruby..." Blue Diamond commanded as she vanished her weapon. 

Meanwhile with the others, it felt forever since they'd split up, so Lance couldn't take it anymore. He broke his chains and summoned his bayard. 

"HEY GEM BUTT!" Lance screamed, making the others fear his amount of stupidity, and the guard just pissed. "COME AND GET ME!" He continued on in a cocky tone of voice. 

The guard charged at Lance while he was shooting his gun (it didn't work). The guard barged in him into the wall. Chloe some how slipped out of her cuffs, she jumped on top of the guard, pulled her hair back hard and tight. Giving Lance a upgrade to punch her in the stomach and on to her butt. Chloe jumped off and quickly chinned her hair to a pole. 

"...Wow... You guys... are insane..." Alya said impressed yet surprised. 

"Thanks, now get out of those things." Lance commanded. as his gun turned back to normal.

"Alya, did you get the message from Pidge yet?" Steven asked the second her broke out of his cuffs.

"No... I'm calling her right now." Alya informed her as she grabbed her phone. 

Meanwhile in the ship, the kwamis were napping on lion, while Coran was singing a merry little annoying tone, making Peridot wanna kill him and Pidge regret everything in life, but once her phone rang she was relieved to hear a different voice. 

"Yeah." Pidge sighed loudly     


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