Here We Go

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Once they entered the hero squad were enchanted by space, however the others weren't as enchanted due to living in space for god knows how long (alongside with the gems). 

"You seemed unimpressed?" Alya questioned Shiro noticing his focused on how Pearl was working the controls instead of the majestic stars. 

"Once you've been in space for a few years, you get used to seeing actual planets close up." Shiro explained with his usual, small, relaxed smile.

"Ppppfff... At least you don't have a long transformation. It may be cool once or twice, but after a while it gets boring and just waste time!" Alya complaint messing around with her necklace.

"HEY!" Trixx yelled getting closer to Alya's glasses.

"Sorry... B-but it's true," Alya responded using a finger to push her away. 

Shiro just chuckled before walking off to the piloting Ruby. "How much longer?" he said in his usual concern space dad voice. 

Ruby pressed a speaker on the ship, which turned one of the screen on the ship's terminal into a video chat with Pearl and Amethyst on the bridge's of their own ships . "Pearl, how much longer?" Ruby said in a somewhat complaining way. 

"About 96 more hours," Pearl replied with a smile on her face.

"WHAT?!?!" Amethyst barged in the conversation via the speaker on her ship, her eyes already blood crazed.

"I am not spending 3 days in this cramp ship with Ms. Spoiled-Brat and her servant bee!" Amethyst screamed. 

Right as Shiro opened his mouth a crack, Chloe decided to barge in. "HEY! I AM NOT A BRAT NOR SPOILED!" Chloe screamed shoving Amethyst away from the cam. 

Amethyst just shoved Chloe to the floor and then jumped back on the seat. "Oh, go flirt with one of those idiots!" Amethyst demanded pointing to the other side of the ship. 

But Chloe didn't quit, she too jumped into Amethyst's seat, making her fall to the ground. 

"Guys?" Pearl and Shiro questioned with Ruby just watching like a weirdo. Just then Amethyst boot hit the screen and made her screen crack and turn to static. 

"... they'll be fine." Ruby said with the other two concerned.

"Any...way... Lets keep focus." Pearl demanded right before removing herself from the screen. 

"Jeez!" Ruby mumbled turning off her speaker. 

"There is another and quicker way to get to the diamonds ... RIGHT?!" Shiro questioned with his fist clenched. 

"Yeah but I don't think Pearl would like that. Amethyst might but Pearl would possibly freak out," Ruby said calmly scratching the back of her hair. 

"Well we might as well try. By the time we get there, your earth could already be taken over by the diamonds," Shiro pointed out panicking Ruby more. 

"Well... *nervous chuckle* let me contact Pearl..." Ruby drifted off with more sweat than a dolphin jumping out of the water for a few seconds. 

It took a while for Pearl to finally respond. "Yes, Ruby?" 


i'm so sorry this chapter is so short and late. But im busy with the holidays, season 8 of voltron, season 3 of miraulous and the steven universe movie.

Thanks for reading and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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