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Steven woke up to see the roof of his house. His head was pounding. He looked at the end of the bed to see Amythest and Keith talking. "A-Amethyst?".

"STEVEN, YOU'RE FINALLY UP!" Amethyst screamed jumping off the bed.

"Who is that?" Steven questioned getting out of the bed.

"OH! This is Keith!"

"...Sup..." was all Keith said barley moving hos hand an inch.

"Hi..." was all Steven could get out. He looked downstairs to see Lion sleeping, realizing that a large man was sleeping against lion's back. "Who i-"

"That's Hunk. Don't worry he doesn't bite." Keith said walking down stairs to wake the baboon known as the yellow paladin.

As Steven walk throw the room, he saw Pearl talking to Allura near the warp pad. "Pearl?"

"OH! You must be Steven! Pearl has told me about you and the other Gems," Allura exclaimed  almost jumping to Steven with excitement.

"Uh... Yeah. Where are the others, Pearl?" Steven questioned.

"They're outside with Allura's friends," Pearl said moving Allura back to where they were before.

Confused, Steven walked outside to see the castle. Garnet was talking to Shiro and Coran. Lapis was showing off her abilities to Marinette and Lance while Peridot, Alya, and Pidge were talking about something nerdy, Pidge with stars in her eyes.

"WAIT!" Steven thought. "Lapis? Peridot?!?" he whispered. He ran down to hug Lapis. "LAPIS!" he hollered before hugging her to the ground.

"Its only been a week Steven," Lapis said with Steven crushing her.

"STEVEN!" Peridot screamed piling on him and Lapis.

"Peridot! GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE!" Pidge screamed.

"We need to plan the blue print!" Alya finished.

Peridot, quickly went back over to her fellow geeks as Steven got off Lapis. "Blue prints?"

"Yeah, they're making blue prints to repair the castle," Lapis replies brushing the sand off her skirt.

Steven turned around to see the castle crashed on the shore. "Is everyone okay?" Steven questioned, his palms starting to sweat.

"Yeah everyone's fine," he heard in the distance. He looked to the side to see Lance, sitting on the sand making drawings with his finger.

"Steven, this is Lance, and... WAIT, wheres Marinette's?"

"She went inside," Lance replied not really paying attention. Lapis went inside and Steven looked at the sand drawing that Lance made. It was a large stick family surrounding the only one with familiar hair (Lance of course).

"Is...That your family?" Steven questioned crouching down.

"...HUH?... Oh... yeah..." Lance mumbled with a gleam of pain in his eyes and his voice in a depressed manner.

"Where are they?"

"FAR!" Lance replied in a angered tone.

"You miss them?"

"What do you think?" Lance asked in a sarcastic tone tracing the drawing with a different finger.

"Hey, I'm sure you'll see them soon," Steven nervously got out.

"I'm... worried, about them. They think I'm dead," Lance said with his voice cracking. "My neice and nephew had to hear the words YOUR UNCLE LANCE IS MISSING... POSSIBLY DEAD..." He managed to continue. That's when he felt two small warm arms wrap around his torso before his tears began to shed.

"It's okay, when you come back... they're gonna cry tears of joy and hug you til you can't breath... After all, we all can't get that." Steven whispered.

"Did you..."

"My mom."

Lance just stared at him before hugging teary Steven back. "It's okay." Lance said smiling lightly and patting the kids head.

"Hey Lan- Oh am I bothering you two?" Hunk questioned with a bag of fry bits in his hand.

"No you're not bothering anything," Steven said backing away from Lance.

"What's up man?" The blue paladin questioned standing up.

"You have got to try these! Amethyst and Adri-"

"DUDE! You know I everone yet. There are too many names. Use the nicknames!" Lance said.

"*Sigh!* Kitty-Cat and Purple Shorty got these fry bits and they taste AMAZING!" Hunk re-explained putting the bag closer to Lance.

"I'm not hungry." Lance said pushing the bag away. He looked at the house to see Keith on one of the porch steps, petting lion. After god knows how long, Keith finally looked back at Lance who quickly turned away.

Hunk and Steven wandered off to Nino, Pearl, Chloe and Allura talking. Lance looked around to see Lapis playing with the space mice and kwamis (SO CUTE!) and Coran studying Pumpkin before deciding to go talk to Shiro and Garnet.

"Hey guys, can I join with you two?" Lance questioned.

"Of course," Garnet replied as Shiro opened just started opening his mouth. 

"What are you guys talking about anyway?"

"Fusion," Shiro replied with his usual space dad smile.

"Fuse WHAT?"

"Fusion, it's a common thing Gems do."

"What exactly happens?"

"When Gems love each other, their love takes form and makes them twice as powerful." Garnet explained revealing her three eyes, thus making Lance scream like a little girl. With that Shiro punched Lance in the shoulder with his cyborg arm making him hit the floor.

"Excuse my friend," Shiro said still looking at him sternly.

"Its alright. It was bound to happen," Garnet said making her third eye wink. "Future vision." She placed her glasses back on.

"Interesting." Shiro complimented, actually making Garnet BLUSH a bit.

"HEY GUYS!" they heard in the distance, turning to see Marinette with Amethyst on her shoulder.  "DINNER'S READY C'MON!" Marinette screamed,

"THIS GIRL HAS TALENT, DAWGS! WE MADE MAGIC TONIGHT!" Amethyst screamed giving Marinette a noogie. 


Sorry it took so long, I've been busy with stuffing candy inside my body, HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!

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