This...means... WAR

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"Who is that?" Chloe questioned.

"Aquamarine..." Steven whispered. 

"WHO?!" Nino questioned with his fists out ready to fight. 

"She kidnapped me, Connie and my other friends... We escaped luckily... but she was still free." Steven explained in shock.

"Hello Rose, we meet again," she said as she looked around to see the others. "OOOHHHH! I see you have some new company, huh?" she continued with her eyebrows high up in the air and her sour, Grinch-like, smile used her sick, ear-bleeding, laughter as the Voltron force prepared their bayards, the kwamis readied to use their three simple words, and the Gems summoned their weapons.

"Any who, The Diamonds wanted me to send you a little... oh how should I say it; Thank you gift!" she continued on with a wink full of lies.

"FOR... what?!" Pearl questioned lowering her spear in confusion, 

"For bringing us one of your Gemless abomination friends! Great guy by the way! Hawkmoth's the name!" she exclaimed playing around with her gloves. The Hero Squad froze in fear and disbelief; the kwamis landed hard on the ground in terror. "Real nice. Look what he did to Topaz!" Aquamarine snapped her fingers closing her eyes slightly. Out of the shadows a black figure took form into a now yellow-less Topaz, now a dark neon color with light lilac stripes painting her arms, with hair green on left orange on right. "You like?" Aqua questioned with her smile turning into the devil's grin and her eyes half way open.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" Amethyst screamed taking a step closer.

"Pfft! You should have seen what we did to your present," Aqua replied trying not to let out a chuckle. 

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" Lapis and Allura questioned at once.

"Why don't you just take a look AY! Topaz, unleash the beast." Aqua demanded twirling around with Topaz following her command. The door on the side of the ship opened. Slowly out came a gem cluster. The colors more bizarre than any seen before, still faceless with only a dozen hands working as the legs whale a dozen legs working as the arm, in the middle innocent Gems mish-mashed together to make bring a disaster to life.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Keith questioned taking a stepped back,

"It's... a cluster..." Garnet barley got out clenching her fists.

"What's a cluster?" Pidge questioned with Alya putting an arm over her chest to protect her. 

"They force Gems to fuse together so they take a form with no proper mental they're just take one physical mess." Peridot explained. Garnet began to sweat harder than she  ever had before. She could feel herself mentally tearing apart.

"ENOUGH TALKING LET'S FIGHT!" Lance screamed with his gun ready and loaded. Everyone charged except for the Hero Squad and Garnet.






Finally they made it to the battle, Garnet still frozen.

"What's up with Garnet?" Hunk questioned after shooting the cluster once.

Steven turned around to see Garnet on her knees with her gems glowing and her glasses off. "Oh no... GARNET!" Steven screamed racing over to his panic stricken friend. Shiro found Steven trying to calm poor Garnet down.

"Is she OK?" Shiro immediately asked bending down.

"She can't handle even looking at the cluster without having a panic attack." Steven explained  "You should go back to the fight," Steven offered, taking a napkin out of his pocket to wipe off her sweat. Before Shiro could reply, Garnet started to unfuse. "O-oh no!" Steven feared backing a few inches away. 

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Shiro questioned taking a step forward. 

"She trying... Not to unfuse!"

Meanwhile, everyone was going left and right on the cluster. As Marinette jumped in the air she swung her yo-yo right at the Gem cluster but a dark force field appeared from the cluster  protecting itself from the yo-yo. As the field grew, lightning started to lash out with one bolt  hitting her yo-yo, spreading from the string to Ladybug herself. She ripped out a nightmarish scream turning her back into Marinette as she fell to the ground. Lapis quickly caught her and Tikki. Everyone else froze in shock as the force field immediately vanished.

Aqua walked off of the ship slowly with that disturbing devilish smile. "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, Haggar put a little dark magic into the cluster's gem," she explained, lightly chuckling and playing around with a streak of her hair. 

"H-h-haggar!" Allura mumbled



When Worlds CollideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz