It has to end soon

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They all froze for a second; before Keith made a move and struck the blue beat like gem. Seconds later, Marinette swung her yoyo at Yellow. Everyone charged 3 seconds later. Swinging left and right, kneeing up and down. 

----------------------(Time skip, sorry long chapter/ ideas)--------------------

They quickly pile the 2 up, as they were groaning zombies by now. They broke the door down, to see Pidge, Hunk, Carapace, Pearl and Steven bruised and twitching on the floor, while Queen bee, Rena Rouge, Amythest and Lance in a web like silk wrapped around them while hanging upside down from the ceiling. And their they were, Hawk Moth and Haggar combing their dark magic into a big tube, while yellow Diamond was sitting their ready for the others, same as Zarkon as he turned from gazing at the window. 

"Took you long enough." Yellow Diamond chuckled out, as she got up on her multiple legs, with the team now noticing her wings.

He put her hand out and allowed Zarkon on their. "It's been awhile... HASN'T IT!" he said in usual griddy, uneasy tone. Only making Shiro, Allura and Keith wanna fight already. 

"What have you done to them!?" Lady bug demanded an answer, as she clenched her yoyo hard and wildly. 

"Oh nothing much; just a small punishment for trying to defeat us." Yellow replied calmly yet in sourly.  

"No worries; you'll be joining them about...NOW!" Zarkon screamed to the other side of the room. 

They turned around to see Haggar and Hawkmoth strike them with all they got. They all were in a deep painful shock as they felt the magic scurry all around them, they might have been soundless, but it was pain from the fiery pits of hell. Luckily lion made it out of the way. 

As he was witnessing the horror, A familiar figure began to re-appear from his mane... Good old Ruby.

"Groan*... WAIT! Lion..." She twirled her head until... she saw it... Sapphire close to poofing! Her eyes showed vengance, her fist got boiling hot. She knew what she had to do...

She got on Lion's back and he bagan to charge, he jumped high and proud, and was able to scratch the yellow demon, and tackle Zarkon to the ground. Lion began to scratch left and right as Zarkon was punching lion back (Cat fight).

Ruby got off and ran to now sweating Hawk Moth and and lifeless Haggar... If only Yellow Diamond didn't grab her. 

"YOU... LITTLE BRAT! YOUR GONNA... PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" Yellow screamed, as Ruby was closer than ever to her face. She used her other hand and struck her with her powers. Making her wanna scream... But she didn't...All she could focus on... was Sapphire.

"S-*deep grunt* Saph! Pl-ease... *Loud groan*... I-i need you..." She screamed; as she tried not to show the pain; but that just increased Yellow's will to kill. 

Sapphire was barley able to look, but once she saw with he corner of her eye; she was frigging pissed. She slowly began to crawl up into a ball, she began to glow brighter and brighter.

"WHAT!" Hawk Moth screamed in fear and anger. "...IMPOSSIBLE!" Haggar screamed as she was still showing no emotion.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOO!!!!" Sapphire screamed; her ice began to spread, making Hawk Moth and Haggar stop their torture and began to panic. Once they stopped; they all regain their sanity and got back on their knees and feet. 

"IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!" Lady bug screamed as she jumped high, swinging her yoyo high and full of rage; Sapphire and Lion Joined her; Lion using his sonic roar, Sapphire defending herself with ice, and Lady bug killing it with her yoyo. 

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