Bolivian Slang

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I haven't been to Bolivia yet but hopefully someday I will! These are some things that you might hear while visiting Bolivia.

Why learn Slang?
This will give you an advantage over other tourists visiting the specific country. Slang is included in everyday conversation and is necessary if you want to speak like a native.

*Be careful, in other countries, slang means different things so it's best you don't say some of these in other countries

Capo - someone you think is awesome

Chacharse - verb for skipping something

Estar pintudo - for something to look cool

Estar camote - to be madly in love with someone

Chango - a young person

Jalión/jaliona - someone vain

Opa - a fool

Trucho - a fake/knockoff

Paparupa - nonsense

Jallalla - a way to greet multiple people at once

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