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Here is how to say family members in Spanish.

Madre - Mother
(You can also say Mamá-Mom)

Padre - Father
(You can also say Papá-Dad
Don't confuse with papa-potato)

Padrastro - stepfather

Madrastra - stepmother

Los padres - the parents

Los padrastros - the stepparents

Esposo - husband

Esposa - wife

Hermano/s - brother/siblings or boy siblings

Hermanastro - stepbrother

Medio hermano - half brother

Hermana/s - sister/girl siblings

Hermanastra - stepsister

Media hermana - half sister

Hijo - Son

Hijastro - stepson

Hija - Daughter

Hijastra - stepdaughter

Los parientes - the relatives

Tía - Aunt

Tío - Uncle

Primo - Cousin

Sobrino - nephew

Sobrina - niece

Abuelo - Grandpa

Abuela - Grandma

Nieta/s - Granddaughter/s

Nieto/s - Grandson/s

Suegro - father in law

Suegra - mother in law

Yerno - son in law

Nuera - daughter in law

Cuñado - brother in law

Cuñada - sister in law

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