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The rest of the day went in a blur. There was no much work to be done. Since morning, I had only got two calls from two businessmen and this is how it went down;

"Hello, McConnell's Enterprise, who am I speaking to?" I had asked once I picked up the phone.

"Randolph Baldhead."

I had then proceeded to ask. "How may I help you sir?"

My question had been followed by a hard laugh from the other side."How may you help me?" And some more laughter, "I'm the one helping you! Now take the phone to Dean cause I'm not going to waste my time speaking to a mere PA."

The second one was not really different from the first one.

"You don't know who I am?" The angry voice barked.

"No sir."

"What kind of foolish and ignorant people is McConnell hiring? Hand me over to the CEO!" He commanded in a loud voice and I did so.

I had not really taken their insulting comments to heart, instead, I felt pity to whoever worked for those two men. I really hoped Dean was not such and he knew how to respect his workers.

I had expected to have loads of work waiting for me to do since the McConnell's Enterprise was a busy and a prestigious company, but I had not been much engaged. Not that I was complaining or anything, no one loves getting tired from carrying files and documents around. Nonetheless, I was getting paid a very good amount of money which was the most important thing.

I took a look at the empty space in front of me. My desk was situated at the place where I had found Joan at. Joan was just acting as the PA until Dean found someone else who was qualified for the job.

When I was coming from the HR's office, I had met Joan and she explained that she was actually the company's advertising manager and she had decided to play the role of a PA since she couldn't bare to see the CEO getting stressed. She had not said much, but from the way she had spoken, I could tell that she really cared for the boss.

When the wall clock stroke 1:00Pm, I was already out of the 50th floor heading to the company's cafe that was located in the 10th floor. I was never one to joke around with food, I always ate to my fullest. I was not gluttonous at all, no, I just hated the idea of having an empty stomach.

The company's cafe was nothing out of the ordinary, it looked like all the cafes out there. This was also one of the ways the company earned money from its employees. You know, pay you your monthly salary so that you can come back and pay as daily for the food you eat in our cafe? Yeah, such a brilliant idea of "taking" money from your employees.

I already knew what I wanted to eat and after getting served my lunch, I took a seat at the farthest end of the cafe. Since I didn't have any friends yet, I thought that would be the best place to "hide" myself from others.

It did not take long for the cafe to fill with other workers making orders of what they wanted to eat. I was busy eating my food when I heard someone clear their throat really loud and when I looked up, I saw a young lady looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed and on her hands were a tray of food. I was not a fool and I understood that I was sitting on her seat.

I awkwardly cleared my throat too and stood up. "Sorry." I apologised.

She took the seat opposite to mine. "Apology accepted but you should know that that," She pointed to the seat I had taken, "belongs to me."

I smiled at her, awkwardly, I really did not know if I was supposed to answer back or not.

"Wipe the smile off your face." The girl pointed at me with her fork and the went on to eat her food. She looked young, maybe twenty years or nineteen but the way she talked showed how authoritative and commanding she could be.

"I have never seen you here."

I swallowed the food that was in my mouth and then answered her. "Yeah. I just working today."

"Oh, and what's your name?" She asked, now looking at me.

"Stephanie." I answered back and patiently waited for her to tell me hers and when she didn't I went back to eating my food.

We both ate in silence and when I went back to my post, there was nothing much to be done. Just like in the morning, I only got calls from other businessmen wanting to speak to the boss. When five stroke, I waited for another ten minutes and knocked on Dean's door.

"Come in." I entered and found him sorting out his documents. If there was something I have learnt about him since morning is that he is focused and self motivated. Of course, this was required for one to hold such a position as his.

I choose my words wisely, "I just came to say bye." I did not want to seem eager to leave the office on my first day at work.

"Bye." He replied grumpily and dismissed with a wave, still sorting out the documents.


Once I opened our apartment door, Vera was at my side.

"Let me help you with that." She snatched my handbag away from me and lead me to the kitchen.

"Vera, it's not like I was doing a manual job." I smiled at her as she handed me a glass of water.

"Of course you weren't silly." She lightly punched my arm and took a stool beside me. "I just want to know how your first day at the Enterprise was!" She exclaimed excitedly, her voice raising a notch higher.

I looked at her, her eyes shining with excitement and I felt something warm inside my chest. Even though both our parents were dead, we still got each other, only the two of us and no matter what happened or was going to happen we had learnt to be happy for each other's success.

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