Chapter Four

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Adana was awaken out of her sleep from a sudden cold chill. With only one eye barely open she stumbled out of bed and closed the window she swore she closed before going to bed. She shook off the questionable feeling and turned to crawl back underneath her covers. She decided to leave Evelyn and Mekhi on thin ice until she felt like fully discussing what they've been keeping from her. They knew Adana was angry with them and was smart enough to keep their distance. All the power Adana had inside was draining her and all she wanted to do was sleep.

Adana was able see a little better out of both eyes when she suddenly noticed a dark figure move in the corner of her room. She quickly scanned the area around her and cursed that she had nothing to defend herself with. Then she thought of how her mother just unlocked all of her power. Adana learned from Evelyn that a witch's power has no mind of it's own. It can only do what you allow it to. Adana channeled her power and focused on the candles that were on her desk. She pulled so much energy from herself, only for one of the three candles to light. Due to over exertion, her legs gave in and she fell to the floor. She saw the dark figure moving towards her slowly.

"It was a good attempt, my child", Adana heard Agatha's voice say. She heard the sound of snapping fingers then the other two candles were ignited, lighting up the room. Adana looked up at her mother, who looked down at her with little to no emotion.

"Mom? Why are you just sneaking around in my room?", Adana asked.

"Well, I didn't want to be loud and wake the boy", Agatha said pointing at a snoring Mekhi. Adana had completely forgotten they shared a room.

"Thankfully I put a sleeping spell on him so as much noise as you just made, he won't be waking up any time soon".

Adana got up from the floor and walked over to Mekhi's bedside. Out of curiosity she slapped him hard across the face, waiting to see if he'd stir. He didn't move not one muscle. Adana was amazed.

"You have got to teach me that", Adana said excitingly.

"That is a minor spell compared to ones you will learn once you start your training".

Adana turned to face Agatha.

"Training for what?".

Agatha removed her cloak and stepped closer to Adana. She twirled it quickly around them and then Adana noticed they were outside by the lake she normally sits by to write in her journal.

"How did we -"

"It's very amusing how you're shocked by every little thing I do like we aren't both witches".

"Yeah but ... I can't do what you just did".

"Not yet. Come, sit next to me".

Adana followed her mother's instructions and sat down on the grass she's sat down on so many days before. Agatha sat down next to her and looked out onto the lake.

"I rushed out last time we spoke without an explanation. I know you are wondering why I left you when you were a child".

Adana hung her head. She honestly hadn't thought about that part of her revelation.

"I hadn't thought much about it", Adana mumbled.

"I have thought about it ever since that day. It was one of my greatest mistakes".


"I was so driven by hurt from Lawrence rejecting me, I didn't see that my main focus should have always been you. By the time I returned Evelyn had taken you up under her care and I didn't want to intrude. You were better off with her".

The Dark Passage: Rise Of The Dark Coven (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now