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Karui Feitan.....,

    Another boring day at the clinic, all I had left to do is clock out. My feet were sore from all the standing up I had to do, something I do 5 times a week. A little girl with the brightest eyes and widest smile grinned at me. She was overly excited for the new braces she'd come back to get next week. My job as a Dental Assistant had no meaning anymore. I used to love every bit of it, now I could care less. The reason I stayed and worked at the clinic every day is just like any one else's. Bills must be paid.

    Joel, my supervisor and Dentist that I assisted suggested I spend the afternoon with him. And just like every day I showed him my big diamond ring on my finger and politely declined. What's with these men and their persistence towards a committed woman? I could never understand that.

  The clock ticked and it was the right time to sign out for the day. My feet were tired and I felt mentally exhausted. I dreaded going home to cook for the man I used to be so excited to come home too. But I had already chosen this life, to live comfortably. Eventually, he'd get his doctorate, we'd buy a huge home with a white Pickett fence and I'll turn into a housewife and raise our three kids. Those were his plans for us.

I guess you could say that drowning yourself in pity is useless but what else can I do? I have no friends, just two people I can call my acquaintances. I don't speak to my mother and I'm trying my hardest to build a relationship with my father. My younger brother and sister barely get to speak to me because of our mother's pettiness. My own husband barely comes home to me. I have no one. You could understand why I just gave up and settled for this life.

My stomach rumbles for a moment. "Maybe I should just pick up some Chinese..." I sighed.

The day was a bit cloudy and breezy. I threw my sweater on and rushed toward the door. I couldn't wait to put some food in my stomach. Maybe I should call Jellal and see if he wants me to stop by with some food. Before I could call my husband myself, my phone rang.

"Oh wow." My poor excuse of a mother was calling. How nice. She only calls when it's about my brother so let's see what this is about.

"What do you want ?" I scoffed

She sounded nervous, even a little sad. I sighed while entering my Jeep. "Hey Ru, could you do me a favor?"

"You know better then to call me Ru. Now, Why would I do anything for you?" I caught myself making a face through the rear view mirror.

"I-It's not for me. Kaiser's planning to run away from me. I don't know what to do. All I can think of is asking you to take him with you for a couple days instead. So I know that he's okay." Her voice cracked a little.

"Wow a monster like you crying ? That's new." I chuckled.

"Karui I wouldn't ask you for anything else... please."

"You don't have to beg me Shuraye, I'll come get him if it's that serious."

I adjusted my mirrors and drove home. If I was going to go back to that house I definitely needed to change my clothes. Anything could happen when it came to my mother. My stomach rumbled more while I changed from my scrubs into a light hoodie and leggings. It took me no time to tie my hair up and slip on my uggs. They took a huge toll off of my feet.

In a couple of minutes I was outside of my childhood home. Where my drunk mother abused me emotionally and verbally. I could only hope that my siblings weren't getting treated the same way. As much as I would love to take them in, I had my own life to worry about.

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