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Karui Feitan....,

It'd already been about two weeks since I walked in on Chris and his girl. He's been non stop calling me and messaging me and showing up on my door step. It's been a bit stifling. Thank God, I'd started going back to work and Kaiser was finally going to be home soon. It felt like everything was getting a little better. Even that woman Jellal had been sneaking around with had been giving me dirty looks and all because he stopped associating with her. Aria's school life was going well and that Jamie girl had a movie night planned for the both of them here.

From what I know, Aria invited her, the girl who always defended her and her two friends from her previous school. I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to have all her new and old friends become a group so of course I told her it was fine. My phone started to ring again and I groaned knowing exactly who it was on the other end of the call.

'Voicemail box full.'

I gripped the table annoyed and sighed taking a couple breaths in and out. There's no reason for him to call me and text me and show up back to back. He refused to give me my car back so we honestly have no reason to be speaking right now. And even now, I can't seem to get that woman he was with out of my head. He was just supposed to be a friend but it made me so mad and I couldn't help how jealous I felt. He isn't mine but he also is mine, how do I think something like that.

Aria would be coming home in the next couple of hours and I had the night off from work today. It seemed best to pick up a couple of things for our little movie night and check up on Kaiser. Jellal had to attend an important meeting a couple states over along with the head of the doctors. He left yesterday, and I've been speaking to him on and off with a track phone all because Chris wouldn't give my phone a break.

As soon as I opened the door to leave I was greeted by a basket in front of the door. I rolled my eyes noticing Chris was sitting on the last step of my stoop. I literally couldn't catch a break. He stood up immediately and I turned around quickly trying to get back inside and lock the door. The man was quicker then me and slammed his foot in the door so I couldn't close it.

"If you t-take one step in here I'm calling the police." I stuttered horribly trying to avoid him at all costs.

"It's nice to hear your voice babygirl, I missed it." His voice sounded tired and my heart melted. This was why I refused to see him. I knew he could get me at any point. Chris lightly pushed the door and I threw my whole body on it trying to keep it ajar.

"Come on, let me talk to you." He pleaded. I closed my eyes and pushed harder and Chris pushed right back.

"I-I'll call the police." I yelled when I saw him push the door open a little wider. It was pretty obvious he was stronger then me.

"I know you won't Rui." He chuckled. That sweet voice of his made me weak in the knees.

Eventually I'd have to give up on holding this door and I'm sure he knew that too. As soon as Chris put his whole weight on the door, I let go. He fell and I couldn't help myself from giggling. He glared at me and smiled distracting me from my master plan. I bolted across the living room and up the stairs to my room about a couple steps ahead of Chris. He was right on my tail but not fast enough. As soon as I stepped in my room, I slammed the door shut and locked it nearly wheezing from running up them damn steps.

"All this energy you're using to run away from me, you could just hear me out." He slammed his hands on the door, obviously frustrated. I kept quiet knowing that pissed him off even worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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