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Karui Feitan....,

     My eyes followed Jellal as he rushed to get ready this morning as he always did. Guilt had been weighing over me from the moment I made my way back home. I always said if I wasn't feeling the relationship I'd make it known then proceed to move on. However, in this situation I couldn't exactly do that.

    Jellal gently cupped my face leaving a long kiss on mine. It felt nothing like Chris's lips. I sighed and plastered a fake smile on my face. "I love you, see you later." He smiled.

   There wasn't a minute that passed by that I didn't think of Chris and his magic fingers. I sighed at the throbbing feeling in between my legs. If there was anything I was currently craving, it was Chris. I knew I left him with a hard on and that wasn't fair at all, however, I'd been super distracted by all the unwanted attention I was about to be given.

"I have to get Aria to school and check up on Kaiser." I stood up slowly staring at the time on the clock.

  This morning felt so drab. Outside it's raining lightly but it's the type of weather I love. Where I used to cuddle up on the balcony with Jellal and sip on hot chocolate enjoying his sweet, slow kisses. I bit my lip feeling that heavy feeling on my chest all over again. Guilt never suited me well, I was always one to tell someone after I did them wrong. I would hurt myself more then the other person by keeping a secret.

  Just then my phone rang loudly. Startled by the sound of the ringtone, I picked it up without looking. "Good Morning, who is it?" I sighed loudly.

"Morning Beautiful, what's the matter?" My eyes widened at Chris's raspy morning voice. It was enough to get my panties in a bunch.

"H-Hey..." I stuttered horribly wanting to hear more of his voice.

"What's the plan for today?" I could tell he did that thing where he would lick his lips slowly after I heard a small pop on the phone.

"Uh, I'm dropping my sister off to school then I'm checking up on my brother." I awkwardly ran off at the mouth.

"....and after that?"

"Nothing..." I whispered lowly. Chris chuckled at the nervous sound of my voice and sighed.

"I'm coming to get you, when you're finished, and don't even try to say no." He laughed heartily.

"Ok then... well I have to go Chris. See you later then." I smiled to myself.

"Later then beautiful." He softly cooed and hung up first.

  My heart began to race at the thought of a date with Chris. It's almost as if I'd been back in high school. Butterflies were rumbling in my stomach and I had this giddy feeling. I knew it in my heart I couldn't wait to see him and spend time with him.

  My mood's the total opposite of the weather's mood. I smiled and took my time going to Aria's room to wake her up. When I got in her room she was already up and staring outside.

"Heyyyy girllll..," I smiled at her leaving $20 on the dresser.

"Hi Rui, do you think I can stay home today?" My face scrunched up quickly and I sighed.

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