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Karui Feitan......,

Chris stared at me extremely confused when we spotted Aria sitting awkwardly on the stoop of my townhome. Her eyes widened at the sight of an unknown car pulling up into the driveway. Both Chris and I hopped out and I rushed to her side.

"Aria... what's going on?" I wrapped my arms around her and she quickly hugged me back.

"It's cold, can we go inside first." She coughed and pointed toward the door.

Part of me was glad that she hadn't spotted Chris just yet and the other part of me was worried sick. I kissed her forehead and opened the door. She bit her lip and tucked herself behind me when Chris walked in as well. She hadn't realized who he was because of the hoodie he had on covered his face.

"Ru, who's that?" She grabbed unto my sleeve and looked at me. My heart raced and I looked at Chris nervously.

"T-That's my friend, Chris... uh you might know him." She slowly came from behind me as he removed his hoodie. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"K-Karui... why didn't you say you knew him?" Aria gasped and gave me a disappointing glare.

"Sorry I meant to tell you. You took that surprisingly well, I gotta say." I chuckled laughing at her calm demeanor.

Chris stood there with the same surprised face I had. "Wow, you both are so much alike. Your sister responded in the same calm way you did when I met you." He chuckled and kicked his shoes off.

"Hey.... why did you call me so many times? My phone died I couldn't get back to you." Aria's face saddened all over again. I watched as she tugged lightly on my sweater and I followed behind. She dragged me behind her until we reached the privacy and comfort of her room.

"....okay so what is it?"

"I need advice on something."

"Okay spill baby cakes." I smiled at her happy that she's comfortable enough to come to me for things."

"There's this boy named Darien that all of the girls at school like and because we're friends, I told them I like him too. But I guess they don't like that so they pick on me about it..." she started to give me a sad smile and my heart broke for her.

"Those girls aren't your friends Aria. Friends support you like LeeLee and Tamaria from your old school." Aria nodded her head then continued.

"Well I don't know how the boy found out I like him but he likes me back and... now they hate me and the teasing is getting bad....." Aria awkwardly shifted to the side.

"Do you think I can be homeschooled instead?" She looked away from me and I sighed not knowing what to do.

"Ari, I can't do homeschooling with you baby. I work and as for this school you're in, you've only got a couple months left then you'll be in high school. Those girls are mean and jealous of you, definitely aren't your friends but I've got a cool solution for you."

"What's that supposed to be?" She looked up to me.

"Stay away from those girls and make some true friends of your own. I'm sure there's others in that class that like you for who you are. I can always come to your school and deal with the issue too, I don't mind." She nodded understandingly.

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