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Broken Hearted

Karui Feitan

  This morning I was woken up by kisses all over my face from Jellal which surprised the hell out of me. He towered over me with his lean frame shaking me softly.

"Goodmorning baby." He gave me a soft smile and my heart fluttered. Where was all of this before Chris came around?

"Morning." I rubbed the crust out of my eyes and stared at the clock.

  It was still super early but Jellal had a huge bag from Dunkin' Donuts in his hands. Aria couldn't have been awake yet from the looks of it. And he didn't have work until two hours from now. Why the hell is he waking me up so early?

"I got you your favorite. Some hot chocolate with a lot of sugar, bacon egg and cheese on a croissant, and two bags of hash browns." He kissed my forehead and I couldn't help but blush a little. He remembered that?

"T-Thank you." I whispered still extremely tired from all the shit that went down last night. Jellal looked down awkwardly avoiding my gaze.

"I know this doesn't make up for anything but I want to show you that I'm going to try to be better to you. Because you deserve that and I'm not lying when I say I love you Rui....." He sighed and dropped $500 dollars on the bedside table. I looked up at him wide eyed.

"....get your nails done, your feet, hair, whatever. Treat yourself okay. I'm going to get ready."

"T-Thank you again." I yawned tiredly and stood up heading to the bathroom. What a nice surprise, however he was absolutely right, it didn't change a thing.

    My phone rang loudly and I shot up to snatch it off the nightstand. When I stared at the caller I.d. I realized it was Chris. Yesterday's awkward argument between us didn't sit well with me and I still didn't know how to respond. My emotions were all over the place. I sat and stared at my phone while it rang. What could I say that would make him feel any better? A couple moments later, the phone started ringing again. It took me no time to put my phone on silent and run to the shower.

   The hot water ran down my body and caused the bathroom to get super foggy. Everything Jellal said began to replay in my head and I groaned feeling my eyes burn. I wasn't at all innocent for succumbing to Chris's charms but how could he have a whole family behind my back? How could he make such a mistake and not run to me for help as his wife. Marriage means we've already become one but it isn't like that at all. I hunched over letting my tears fall and the water run through my scalp. Nothing hurt more then this at the moment.

   As I was bawling loudly and holding myself in the shower, the doorbell rang. Aria yelled for me to get it and I quickly wrapped a robe on me and scurried down the stairs. When I opened the door, my regular delivery man stood there with an edible arrangement  a gift bag and flowers that had a small card attached. I wiped my face hoping I didn't look too disheveled and signed for it and two other packages.

"Who the h-  I stopped speaking when I read the tiny note that was attached.

"Hope you feel a lot better then yesterday. You deserve better babygirl."

My heart skipped a beat and the bubbly feeling in my stomach returned. Even now Chris was lifting my shitty mood. I clutched the note in my hand and took a deep breath. He's too sweet. Aria looked at the fruit shaped flowers confused and tilted her head to the side.

"Uhhh, Ru who sent you that ?" She raised an eyebrow at me expectantly.

"My friend, Chris." I cleared my throat saying it a bit louder then usual. Almost as if I was trying to get myself to believe he was just a friend.

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