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Karui Feitan...,

This morning, for the first time in a long time, I woke up with a smile. Jellal had already left for work which made my mood hit the ceiling. There was no need to fake a smile and say 'I love you'. For some reason though, I felt like something bad was coming my way. The day felt too easy going.

Aria was already awake and ready, it was also the first time I woke up so late. I guess being relaxed does these things to you. When I made my way downstairs after taking a while to get cute, Aria was already eating some cheesy eggs.

"Hey Ria." I smiled and left a kiss on her forehead. She seemed a little down but I paid it no mind.

"Hi Ru." She gave me a fake smile just like the one from yesterday.

"Hey..., what's going on?" I grabbed a cup and started to mix myself some hot chocolate. Aria stared me dead in my eyes and smiled brightly.

"It's nothing. Um, w-what're you doing today? You look unusually glow-y" she scoffed a bit annoyed by my happiness.

"Well, I kind of want to finish this small project I started with a friend." I shrugged slightly hiding my excitement.

"If you say so Ru. But I think you look a little too happy." She quietly stood up and I followed.

   In about a half hour, Aria gave me a tiny smirk and scurried into the school building. Her expression and body language had changed drastically. I squinted my eyes trying to see if I was only seeing things. However, her head was lower then before and she seemed like she was trying to avoid someone. Whatever it was, I'd be sure to talk about it with her later because she seemed so off.

   As soon as i started driving to Chris's house, my phone rang loudly slapping me out of my daydream. From the caller I.d. I could tell it was Chris's persistent ass. The smile on my face widened as I answered his call.

"Good Morning Beautiful..." Chris's raspy voice spoke into the phone.

"Hi Chris. What're you up too?" I smiled to myself and pulled off the rode.

"Nothing much, I just woke up. Come spend the day with me baby girl." He groaned into the phone.

"A-Are you okay Chris?" I chuckled nervously.

"My bad, I'm alright it's just morning wood." He laughed heartily.

I listened closely to the loud shuffling in the background. It sounded like Chris was playing with himself. His breathing seemed a little more erratic then before. My face reddened at the thought of him cumming to my voice.

"...why'd you stop talking?" Chris sighed deeply and groaned again.

"Uhh, I- I didn't know what to say." I laughed nervously.

"Well, if you stop talking, I can't cum now can I ?" My eyes went wide at his deepening voice.

"I- I guess I should continue."

"Yeah you should. Talk to me baby..." he moaned.

"Um, w-what time do you want me to come see you?" My nether regions began to throb at the sound of him enjoying himself to my voice. Chris grunted through the phone as I pulled into my driveway.

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