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Karui Feitan....,

     I stared at Kaiser as he laid in his hospital bed sleeping soundly. Aria was at school since she was fine. Her only real problem was the trauma of almost being a rape victim. However, Kaiser was moments away from harvesting an infected wound. I was more then happy to have caught the wound before it became even more worst then it already is.

   I ran my fingers through his curly hair and sighed. It already felt like I had my own kids. No matter what happened to my siblings I'm always the one that has to take care of them. Kaiser's mouth flew open and he snored loudly as if he hasn't gotten any sleep in days. My stomach churned on the inside, stating exactly how hungry I've been these past few hours.

  My feet were a bit tired but I stood up and walked toward the front desk of the floor, "I'll be back in a bit. If Kaiser wakes up could you tell him I'm getting us food?" I smiled lightly.

   The young lady nodded kindly at me and I took my leave. Since there was a pretty huge plaza a couple of blocks down, I figured I could walk to it and get us something that'll fill our bellies. If I knew anything, I know that my brother would want some junk food like McDonald's. However, I preferred to have a full meal with how hungry I am.

   As I walked toward the bank I noticed something brightly colored that caught my eye. That same yellow Lambo had been parked outside the Japanese place I intended on going too.

"Oh God." I sighed feeling my face burn up at the thought our first heated encounter.

My face burned a bright red as I finished drawing money out of my account. I slowly walked toward the Japanese place and dreaded going inside for a while. When I walked in Chris was nowhere to be found so I quickly made my order. I was mostly relieved until I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Hey..." Chris had a hoodie over his head and sunglasses on as if he was in hiding.

"H-Hellooo...," my head whipped around slowly and I took a step back toward the entrance.

Chris immediately grabbed my arm. "Please don't tell me you're trying to run away again."

My face reddened even more when I realized he read my actions so quickly. "C-can we talk really quickly?" He suggested the booth he had gotten up from and I hardly hesitated.

As soon as I sat down Chris removed his glasses. His pretty brown eyes stared directly into mine. All of this eye contact made me feel so nervous and almost vulnerable under his gaze. My heart beat sped up as he slowly smiled at me.

"Why're you looking away from me like that?" He chuckled watching my jittery movements.

"N-No reason." I nervously laughed and looked down at my lap.

There was a small comfortable quietness between us both before he broke the silence. "I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I'm sorry, my uh feelings got the better of me."

My eyes unintentionally stared directly into his and my face got all red again. "It's fine, really..."

"No I disrespected you knowing you are married so I just wanted to make sure you knew I'm sorry." His sincere gaze lingered on me for a moment before my face dropped a little saddened.

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