Chapter Sixteen

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Author's Intro: Happy Halloween! It's time to read about sexy shifters living in a crazy world where things aren't always as they seem. Please enjoy the campy, erotic fun, but only if you are an adult! If you are under eighteen years old, please navigate away from this page.

Chapter Sixteen

Alice closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent of fresh croissants coming from the nearby bakery. Hat clutched her hand as he led her down the cobblestone streets of his kingdom. Two guards walked a few feet behind them. "What's up with them? You don't travel with a guard in the Kingdom of Hearts?"

He glanced over his shoulder at the two men dressed in black suits with white dress shirts and black ties. They even wore sunglasses. The only aspect of their appearances setting them apart from stereotypical, comic book G-men was the swords dangling from scabbards around their waists rather than guns hidden from view by holsters under their jackets. "Ever since an unfortunate security breach many years prior, my ministers have been very protective."

"Ministers?" Alice raised an eyebrow.

"The men and women I've appointed to oversee different aspects of Spade's government." He pulled her along as she glanced at him and smirked. He tilted his head and met her gaze. "What?"

She grinned. "You're not exactly as you seem." 

* * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Alice in Shifterland has moved to Please download the app, and look for me there under SierraBraveRomance. All of the chapters in season one will still be free and there are offers to earn free coins and coupons. Instead of deleting all the chapters on Wattpad, I'm modifying them into teasers so we don't lose the comments. 

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