chapter ten

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Camila's POV

I'd never seen my mother so happy in her life. This was nowhere near the reaction she had when I was first pregnant with Isabella. And yeah, it was disappointing to see her happier this time around but at least she was happy anyway. 

After years of trying to mend our relationship, I didn't want any more fights. 

"Are you crying, Sofi?" I laughed through my own tears at the sight of hers on FaceTime.

"A little bit, yeah," she admitted. "Just like how you told me when you were pregnant with baby Bella. It feels like it was just yesterday."

"I know and I can't wait to tell her," I bit my lip in excitement and chills.

"Even though she won't know it's her half-sibling?" 

"I mean... she'll know eventually," I shrugged.

"And how do you think she'll feel about that when you abandoned her at such a young age?"

Closing my eyes and sighing at that burn, "Why do you always have to bring this up every time?" 

"I don't know. You're the one who has to explain it to Lauren and Bella," she scolded per usual. It was during every damn conversation we had she would never fail to mention how I ruined such a beautiful family. She literally gave me shit about it non stop as if I didn't feel like shit enough.

"I've tried to tell Lauren. Before I left, I explained it to her a million times but she just wouldn't listen and still won't. She's not 'ready' for that or for Bella to know I'm her mother. I don't even think she'll ever be ready," I confessed since it was already almost February. I was the one begging almost every day to tell our daughter yet she wouldn't budge. I even asked her for a time she think she "might" be ready and the last time she said maybe in about a year or two, like?!?! At this point I was beginning to think she was the one hurting Bella by doing this.

But then again, when it came down to it, I was still the one to blame in the end.

"Well, the time will eventually come. I know it will so you better be ready," she told.

"Trust me, Sofi. I've been ready."


"Sooooo... I have some pretty dang exciting news," I began as I was faced in front of Lauren and Bella sat down in the booth. My daughter was already an anxious little thing, waiting on the edge of her seat while my ex looked like she just wanted to get this over with. 

"I think I know what you're about to say but I wanna hear you say it first," Bella smiled widely while Lauren peered at the both of us confused.

"Matthew and I are expecting!" I cheered with my daughter also squealing joyfully.

"Oh my god, I knew it!"

"You... you are?" Lauren's face fell, looking hurt which immediately made me frown. 

"Yeah.. we've been trying for like three months," I explained, nodding and kind of feeling bad that she was the last to know. 

"Oh..." she breathed and took a sip of her water. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," I whispered uncomfortably. I guess I should've expected her to not be as incredibly delighted at the news as our little girl was. Hell, she was probably really upset and she definitely looked it.

"Excuse me a minute," Lauren shook her head and got up from the table.

"Mom?" Bella frowned.

"Lauren," I attempted to get up myself as if that would make anything better but I just sat still to give her a moment. 

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