chapter twenty-one

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Camila's POV


"Oh shit," my eyes snapped open at the sound of Isabella coming into the room early in the morning. Seeing her mother and I in the same bed together.

Oh my god. Lauren and I slept in the same bed together.

Lauren woke up just as quickly, rubbing her forehead most likely out of discomfort. We both were uncomfortable. Especially due to the fact that we were still in our clothes from the night before and slept in awkward positions. The sheets weren't even pulled down and on top of us either. At least mine weren't. Lauren slept a little more comfortably underneath the comforter. But we literally passed out after talking until around 3 AM. That's all.

"Uh... it's Christmas?" Bella spoke softly.

"Yes.. uh.. Merry Christmas, honey," as fast as I could, I got up from the bed to give her a hug and kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Bella," Lauren said as well.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah.. and I can see you guys did too," she smirked and both Lauren and I.

"Okay, let's go. Head downstairs and we'll be down in a minute," I wrapped an arm around her and led her out, looking back at Lauren who was just as traumatized.

"Whatever you say," she chuckled and gave me one last certain look.

Closing the door behind me, I turned around and saw my speechless ex looking like she was about to faint. "Of course it's Christmas. The only the time kids want to wake up their parents this early and ours happens to find us like that," she grumbled.

"And now this just causes so much explaining," I huffed, placing my hands on my hips.

"Nothing we did last night was overstepping boundaries..... right?" she questioned.

I bit my lip and shook my head, "No.. of course not. We just talked and fell asleep. No touching or anything more than that."

She chuckled and looked down at the comforter on top of her lap. "Well, I may have removed my pants at some point."

"Lauren," my eyes rolled.

"What? My legs got hot in my jeans," she groaned and got out of bed, clad right in her boxer briefs. "I promise I didn't poke you with it."

I looked away with a natural blush and giggle. "Better not have. You're the one engaged here."

"Don't worry. We'll tell Bella there's nothing that's going on between us that she should worry about," she told, pulling on her jeans. "Easy."

"Let's hope. She's old enough to assume we'd be secretly fooling around."

"And she's too smart. But again... it didn't even happen. That's the truth," she nodded.

"Right. Okay, now let me get dressed."

Lauren and I were a nervous mess as we made our way down together to the living room. Not just Bella was smirking up a storm at us but Clara and Taylor too. Most likely Bella telling them what'd happened.

"So... is everyone ready?" Clara began.

Lauren and I nodded shyly and allowed for our little girl to start on her first gift. "No way, Mom!" she ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal a new eyeshadow palette that she'd told me she wanted for the longest time. "You got it?!"

"There were only two left in the store," I chuckled.

"Thank you so much!" she ran over and gave me a bone crushing hug.

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