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Lol who needs sleep

The AU we're rocking with today-
Eye colour AU!
You will not be able to see the colour of your soulmate's eyes until you lock eye contact with them.

So Achilles has never seen brown. Ever - trees, mud, chocolate, brown puppies, never seen any of them. Of course he's seen them, but they're in grey-scale, and grey trees aren't exactly riveting. He's been told it's kind of a drab colour, and he's probably going to be disappointed. But he's really looking forward to it. You don't realise how much of the world is brown until you can't, afterall.

On the other side, Pat's never seen blue. Never been able see the colour of the ocean, of the sky, of blue drinks, flowers, signs. All appear grey, and it's really playing on his mind. Not only because having the sky grey even on a bright Summer's day is really sad, but also because his soulmate will see brown, and he's worried they'll be really disappointed. He's scared in way of meeting his soulmate - the bright flash of colour he'll experience, and the mundane addition of and dark drab colour on his soulmate's part.

It's said soulmates meet once they're both 16, and it's Patroclus' 16th birthday. Him and Briseis are celebrating by seeing a movie, and getting coffee afterwards. They go to the fanciest coffee shop nearby as a treat, find a table, and Patroclus goes up and orders his coffee. The cashier takes the ticket around the back, and the coffee machine begins wearing. Two cappuccinos was the order. Patroclus just stands around waiting for his order before the boy brings out. As Pat's saying "thank you" and "that'll be all, yes" and rummages through his wallet, he looks up to apologise for not finding the coins very quickly and locks eyes with the boy.

And there's that bright flash of light he's been petrified about. He almost drops his wallet - more just sort of thumbling it onto the counter - and tries his best to get the change out while p a n i c i n g. And then the boy places his hand on Pat's, and just

Achilles: Hey, calm down. That must have been a big shock hey?
Patroclus: Uh, yeah- thank you.
Achilles: *nods* Well, I guess we're soulmates then. I'm Achilles, you?
Patroclus: Oh - right - I suppose we are - Patroclus, but my friends just call me Pat.

Later Achilles confesses that the experience of seeing brown the first time as disorienting (no where close to seeing blue though) but he wasn't disappointed at all. He says there's a quiet sort of grace to brown that Patroclus has himself - a deep, rich colour that should be embraced rather than turned away.

As for Patroclus he still finds blue hard to handle, aside from when it's with Achilles, bizzarely. Summer has quickly become his favourite season despite this, because he can see blue now for the first time, and really helps him appreciate how lucky he is. He also finds blue to be rather representative of Achilles, a colour that could be both bright and cheerful or deep and wise - but never really both at the same time. He always thinks of the comparison.

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWhere stories live. Discover now