chapter one

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he never meant to hurt her in any way, truthfully. he tried not to scar her innocent heart of heartbreak, but he knew it was bound to come their way.

but it came sooner than he thought.


chatter. that's what filled the hallways along with the endless number of students going all ways, up and down, finding their class. me on the other hand,  walked quietly, clutching some books between my arms. i had no reason to talk, i had no friends.

i mean, you can count gilbert, but he's got his crowd. he once tried to make me join them, but i didn't really fit in. they didn't hate me, they just had a different vibe. we walked this premise together but he was pulled away by his friends, so i was left alone.

i didn't really mind. it gave me time to think. not really about a specific time. just random thoughts.

"watch out!" i had enough time to turn my head but not enough time to process what happened. i just found myself laying on the floor on my back. something heavy was on top of me, so i opened my closed eyes just to meet electric bue ones.

a guy.

a guy was on top of me. he quickly got up and so did i. i brushed off my clothing and pick up my books. a few heads were turned at us so i had to go away immediately. i never liked too much attention.

i started to walk away from there, but i heard the guy calling after me. i slowed down so he, hopefully, can walk with me.

"hey, i am really really sorry. i didn't see you, i was on a rush." he apologised. it really didn't matter. "it's okay." i looked at him for a split second before turning my head back ahead. "my name's simon, by the way."

i smiled. that's a cute name. "gabriella. nice to meet you." i looked at him again, but this time, he was already looking at me. i stopped in front of my class. "well, this is my stop." i chuckled, i was, once again, ready to walk away but his response was surprising.

"great! this is my class too!" "oh, okay." i answered back before entering the room, where most students already had their seats. "let's sit at the back." he offered, which i kindly accepted.

we walked towards the back corner where two empty seats were available. i took the seat at the very corner and he took the one next to me. just then, ms. thomas entered the room and the bell rang.

the class settled on their seats as she put her bag on the table. "okay!" she had a perky voice, "so, before starting my class today, i would like to welcome a new student," she looked around the room, as did everyone else.

i didn't know we had a new classmate.

"ah, mr. parker. would you like to come up here and introduce yourself?" suddenly, simon stood up. he's the new student? that's a surprise.

he walked through the desks and up towards the front of the class, where girls turn their heads to scope him out, which, weirdly, made me feel a pang of something in my chest. i didn't know what it was, but it sure did not feel good to me.

"um, my name's simon parker, i'm sixteen and i just transfered to this school from summerfield." he smiled before returning to his seat, beside me.

"you never told me you were a transferee!" i whisper-yelled at him, which he responded with "i didn't think you'd mind." he grinned at me as i swiped my long bangs off of my eyes. they really need a trim.

"and summerfield? that's a private scholl, isn't it?" i questioned as i sat properly.

"yeah, so?"

"nothing. i just can't imagine why you'd even switch schools. summerfield is practically heaven." to me it really was, from what i heard at least.

it was a dream school i'd really want to attend. unfortunately, i can't.

"i have my reasons." i turned to him with a confused look. reasons?

"okay, children. so today, i don't really have much planned so just get a paper and do a three-paragraph essay about, um, anything your imagination holds."

immediately the class took out paper, along with myself. "what are you going to write about?" simon asked. i shrugged as i placed my pen on the desk. "random things." and he smiled. he probably has an idea already.

i turned back to my paper and decided to write a story. probably connected to a sunflower or something.

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