chapter three

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time seemed to pass by quickly without my attention to it because one moment we were eating lunch, the next i was laying in bed, on my laptop as the digital clock flashed 4:32 pm.

gilbert's supposed friend has not came over yet, and no further details about the said party was said to me.

i was about to fall asleep from watching a random show on netflix when i heard the front door open and shut whilst two muffled voices echoed through the eerily silenced house.

i guess his friend is here.

i closed my laptop and put it on the bedside table before throwing the covers over me. i layed quietly. i didn't sleep. didn't even try. i just layed there, motionless. hopefully, gilbert doesn't come get me.

but i spoke too soon.

there was a knock on my door and gilbert's voice came through. "ella, come out." he dragged the word 'out', and continued, "i know you can hear me. i know you're not sleeping."

i mentally groaned before throwing the covers off of me and getting up to open the door. i swung it open with a frown etched upon my expression. he stood there looking at me with a slight smile. he is so annoying!

"come on, he's waiting downstairs." gilbert grabbed me by my arm and, in the slightest way, dragged me with him. as we reached the bottom of the stairs, i caught a glance of whoever gilbert's friend is. i was surprised to see who it was.

"aaron?" i walked in the living room as i said that in astonishment. he looked up from his phone to look at me and he displayed a surprised look as well before standing up from the couch. "gabriella? what are you doing here?"

"wait, you guys know each other?" gilbert butted in, taking a step next to me. "um, yeah, we have some classes together."     aaron answered. "oh, okay, well, this is my twin. you've already met."

i watched asron's eyes trace back to me, widened before taking in a cackle. "dude, really? wow, i , i never would imagine... what?" he tripped over his words as gilbert watched in astonishment. i silently turned around, ready to head back upstairs when gilbert used his arm to block the way.

"so are you up for the party?" he asked once more. from behind me, i heard aaron's voice speak, "it'd be great to have you come with me, too." i stood at the foot of the stairs contemplating whether or not i shuld come but aaron's cute pleading voice got the best of me.

i turned around to face him, and ointing at him, "i'll go but if i don't like it i will leave."

without waiting for an answer, i ran back upstairs to my room. hopefully, i'd get a bit of sleep before this party.

two hours had passed, and i couldn't get to sleep. i found myslf coming back to thinking about aaron, what he said, how he looked. i didn't know why but i just did.

now it's somewhere past six and i'm getting a feeling i need to get ready soon.

just as i suspected, a knock on my door was out, as i craned my neck to look at the closed door, partially waiting for it to open by itself.

after about a few moments, i stood from my comfortable bed and open it, to be greeter my aaron. again. not that i minded, though.

"you gonna get ready?" he asked, and i nodded, before answering. "what should i wear?"

"what you normally wear to parties." he answered confidently, with the same smile he had hours ago. i bit my bottom lip before looking back at him and nervously saying, "but i don't do parties."

"oh," he exclaimed, "do you want me to help you?"

without answering, i moved from the doorway, silently letting him in and guiding him to my closet, on the side i don't normally wear, or what i had never wore, in this matter.

i took a seat on my desk chair, as he searched through my clothes. most of them came from my aunts, who think i like wearing there kind of clothes.

he seemed experienced with these things, parties, all of that cool stuff. he wore denim jeans that were ripped on the knees, a thrasher t-shirt and this black leather jacket.

he turned around holding skirt, "do you do skirts?" he asked.

"only the school uniforms." i blushed. i never really liked wearing skirts, or anything that showed skin to be honest. maybe that's why i like staying home.

"but you rock those skirts, and you've got tons in here!" i shook my head, examining the carpet, as i contemplated the idea.

"come on, just this one night. if you don't like it, i'll take you home, immediately." he's really caring, i gotta say.

giving in, i nodded, and he turned back sround before grabbing another clothing and giving it to me. "i didn't know if you like color, so." he handed me a short black skirt that had the zipper going all the way down in the middle and a plain black crewneck sweater.

i took it from his hands, and gave him a look, before going to my bathroom to change.

after changing clothes, i looked in the mirror to see a totally different reflection. it was a weird minute or two before i exited the bathroom, to be revealed to aaron.

this is the first time i have had a boy in my room, excluding my brother, and the first time i have had one pick an outfit for me.

i stared at him as he stared at me, more specifically, my body, which sort of made me insecure of what he was staring at, so i shifted, instinctively throwing my arms in front of me and crossing it.

he cleared his throat, before standing from the messy bed and clap his hands, "well, uh, you can just wear black high socks and your lowcut converse. i'm gonna go get your brother."

he didn't hold eye contact and quickly shuffled out the door, which left me confused. all i could do now is put my socks and shoes on, i guess, so that's what i did.

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