chapter six

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the ride was short and quiet, except for gabriella occasionally mumbling random things in her sleep. i pulled over the side of the road in front of their house, and she's still asleep.


i got out of the car and went to gabriella's side and took her seatbelt off and carefully got her out, carrying her the same way i did earlier. the house looked empty, no lights were one.

are her parents home? hopefully not, or i'd have to explain why their daughter's drunk, and with someone they probably have not seen before.

i walked up the driveway, and tried the door. as suspected, it was locked.

"gabriella." i whispered, as i tried putting her down, on her feet and she immediately woke up. "hm?" she looked really sleepy, and since it was practically past midnight, it should be normal.

"do you have your house keys?" i asked. she nodded before pointing on top of the doorframe. they hide the key there? that's extremely bold of them.

"okay." i was about to reach it when she leaned back on my chest. she was falling asleep again. i picked her up again, but this time i carried her like a baby, with her legs wrapped around my torso and her arms over my shoulders and her head on the crook of my neck.

personally, i would be pissed at a needy girl like this, but weirdly, i was more than okay with it. i don't even want to do this sith vslentina and she's my girlfriend.

i reached up and got the small key and opened the door. i pushed it open and looked for the switch, and lighting up the house.

i didn't even bother doing anything. i just went up the stairs, with one of my arm wrapped around her waist, and the other lightly grasping st things to keep us balanced.

there were seven doors in total, three on each wall, and one on the very end. i'm taking a guess and the end was the bathroom, so i started the door closest to me, on my right.

it was a blue room with football gear, so that's not right.

then a nursery.

the third door was a really light blue room, almost white with a black bed. this seemed just about right.

i emtered the room, walking slowly towards the bed, examining the room. it was as big as mine, neatly organised, bed in the middle of the room, a balcony door, and small frames of amazing drawings.

i unwrapped her arms and legs around me, and quickly putting her under her covers, and going to her open bathroom. i went and looked for a towel, and found a small one. i used the shower's water, put it on lukewarm and put the towel under it, before twisting it.

i'm pretty experienced with taking care of someone drunk, so i knew what i was doing.

i retured to her room, and sat beside her on the bed. she didn't look like she wore makeup, so hopefully it won't rub off.

i gently ran the cloth across her cheeks, and her forehead, and thankfully, the white cloth stayed white. i just finished wiping her neck when i heard the front door open and slam close, then jeavey footsteps neared this room.

not long after, gabriella's room busted open, revealing a distressed gilbert, along with aaron, who, obviously, had threw his clothing on in a rush. plus he was all sweaty.

i saw the look on gilbert's face turn from worried to relief real fast, and i'm taking a wild guess and it's got something to do with me being alone with gabriella.

to be honest, i'm not even that bad of a person.

"oh, hey." i greeted before returning to the bathroom and putting the dirty towel on the sink, but before i could even come out, aaron was up in my face. i was not in the mood to talk to him. at all.

"i swear, joey. if you touched gabriella in that way i wil-"

"you'll what? do the same thing with mine? 'cause i think you already did." i coldly said, which shut him up, before pushing him by the chest and iut of the room.

he didn't even fight back, i think he knew better than to fight back at me.

so that left me and gilbert in gabriella's room, as she slept more peacefully, now not having dried sweat all over her face. "dude, i'm sorry."

i looked over gilbert, "on which part?" i asked, now not giving a bitchy vibe. i didn't have a reason to. "well, valentina practically cheated on you with your best friend, and you had to take my twin sister home, which i'm guessing is a lot of trouble." i shook my head.

"no, it's cool, man. gabriella was actually easy to take care of." i exclaimed, sitting on her floor, having my back on the bed. i was growing pretty tired. i yawned and threw my head back so it rested on the foor of the bed.

"if you're tired, you can stay over, joey." i didn't even open my eyes. i was almost asleep, when i remembered my house was still full of people.


i lifted my eyelids open, and opened my phone, going straight to harry's contact, and ringing him. after the secod ring, he picked up.


"when you leave, can you lock up my house? i'm kind of staying over."

"oh, okay."

"thanks, bro."

i hung up, and realized gilbert was not in the room anymore. now i was really sleepy. i went back to my previous when i felt the bed slightly shift, and something tapped my head.

i opened my eyes again, to see gabriella sitting up, looking at me. "hey." i greeted sleepily, before facing her, still sitting on the floor. "are you staying over?" her soft whispers soothed something in me, which almost sent me sleeping right away.

"mhm." i nodded, now not even having the strength to make up words with my mouth. "it's uncomfortable to sleep like that," shw whispered again.

"i can crash on the couch." i said, before putting my hand over the bed, and using it like a pillow. "or you can sleep with me." she whispered, and i opened my eyes, tiredly looking up at her before smiling.


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