Chapter 2:The Strange Nun

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Alright so now that Aiden has gotten settled into New Meridian and made a new friend in the process it's time to hit the town! Although will our hero encounter one of New Meridian's many strange characters? Let's fine out!
Aiden woke up to find that Marie had already gotten out of bed and was up and about, Aiden stretched and let out a yawn before getting out of bed. Aiden went to his bag to get some of his casual clothes only to find that is was empty. "Oh Aiden! You're awake!" Marie said as she walked into the room with a stack of his clothes in her arms. "Good morning Marie! Did you take my clothes?" Aiden asked as Marie opened the closet and hung up the rest of his clothes before walking over to him. "You really weren't kidding about the whole maid thing?" Aiden said in surprise as Marie hugged him gently. "Aiden I'm happy to be your maid because it was my choice! So please don't feel bad!" Marie said with a smile on her face.
Aiden returned the smile before returning the hug and giving the younger girl a pat on the head. "Alright well I think it would be in our best interest to go shopping for groceries." Aiden said as he grabbed his jacket and put it on. "Would you like to come with me Marie?" Aiden asked the younger over his shoulder. Marie seemed to get nervous at the thought of going outside. "Um I'm still scared that the Medici might recognize me! Is it okay if I stay here?" Marie asked shyly as she looked down at her feet. Aiden walked up to Marie and gave her a pat on the head to calm her down. "Of course Marie! Although eventually we'll have to go shopping for some new clothes for you. After all you can't keep wearing that maid outfit forever!" Aiden said with a chuckle before exiting the apartment.
Aiden was currently wondering through the streets of New Meridian in search of a grocery store. "Probably should've gotten a map of the city!" Aiden mumbled to himself as he wondered around looking for a place he could stop and ask for directions. After another half hour of stumbling around Aiden eventually came upon a cathedral. "I hope they don't mind me asking for directions." Aiden said as he entered the holy building. Aiden slowly walked through the rows of wooden benches as he looked at the stained glass mural of three women. "Welcome child." A female voice said from behind him, which caused him to almost jump out of his skin.
Aiden turned around to see a Nun with blonde hair and she had her eyes closed for some reason. "Oh! Hello sister, sorry you just startled me!" Aiden chuckled slightly at his own fear. "There is no need to apologize child this home is open to everyone. I am Sister Agatha, would you like to join me in prayer to the Trinity?" Agatha asked as she handed him a cross. "The Trinity? Oh you mean those three women in the Mural? Sorry I'm new in town and I don't know much about this place!" Aiden said in an apologetic tone as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. Agatha took his hand and led him to the front of the room.
"There is no need to be sorry child, now please join me." Agatha said in that same eerily calm voice of hers as she led Aiden through a prayer. After that Aiden tried to return the cross she had given him, but she insisted he keep it. "So child why did you come here in the first place?" Agatha asked as she turned to face Aiden. Before he could answer the front door burst open and a big brutish looking guy in a suit started marching towards them. "I'm here to collect the money bitch!" The meathead announced as he pointed towards Agatha. "The money is donations to the Cathedral, you have no right to it." Agatha said calmly as her words just seemed to make the man angrier.
Double was ready to shed this Nun form and attack this man for disrespecting her master's house of worship. Before she could respond however an arm shot out in front of her. "Sir I believe Sister Agatha told you to leave, so would you kindly turn around and walk away!" Aiden said as he got in front of her and stared the man down. "You should mind you're own business brat!" The giant goon roared as he swung at Aiden. Aiden grabbed his arm before snapping it the wrong way, breaking the goon's arm. "You little bastard!" The goon roared, but was soon sent flying through the open door and out of the Cathedral by a kick to the chest.
Aiden turned to face Agatha with an embarrassed smile on his face as he walked back up to her. "Sorry about that Sister, didn't mean to start a fight in the Cathedral!" Aiden said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Thank you child that man has been an issue for some time now." Agatha responded as she also gave Aiden a small smile of her own. "If it's not to much trouble before you leave could you please follow me? There's something I need help with." Agatha asked as she turned and started walking down one of the halls in the Cathedral. "Of course lead the way!" Aiden said as he began to follow her down the hall.
Double opened her eyes revealing the them to be pure red as she smiled, the Trinity told her that this boy was a promising candidate for the skullheart. Now she just had to test him to find out his desires. "I never did give you a reward for helping me child, I could do anything you wish. Please tell me what you most desire." Double said in a suggestive tone as she turns to face him eyes closed once again. "There's no need for that Sister! I was happy to help you, so you don't have to pay me back." Aiden said casually as he smiled at her. "Surely you must have some ambition in life child?" Double pressed further in hopes of finding his selfish wants.
Aiden chuckled before smiling at Double once more. "You see Sister I guess you could say I'm a Vigilante! My dream is protect others from criminals and oppression! That's reason why I moved to New Meridian in the first place, so I could take down the Medici and everyone could live happily!" Aiden finished as he smiled at her once more before. Suddenly Aiden feel his body getting tired for some reason as his eyelids got heavy and he began to collapse. Double caught him in her arms before lying him down on the bed in one of the rooms. "You truly are pure of heart, you may just be the first person who will be able to wield the Skullheart's power! Now awaken Skullboy!" Double said as she place the Skullheart into Aiden's body.
Aiden woke up to find that he was in a bed and Sister Agatha sitting in a chair next to him. "Oh you have finally awoken child! You gave me quite the scare when collapsed." Agatha said as she helped him sit up. "How Long was out for?" Aiden asked as he looked over at her with a curious look. "About an hour child, do you need to be somewhere?" Agatha asked as she watched him spring out of bed. "My roommate is probably worried sick about me right now! I gotta go, goodbye Sister Agatha!" Aiden said over his shoulder as he sprinted out of the Cathedral. "Please visit again child!" Agatha shouted to him as she waved goodbye.

Alright so Aiden has received the Skullheart! How will this effect him in the future? Next time Aiden will explore more of what New Meridian has to offer and may make some new friends along the way! See you next time!

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