Chapter 3:Run Astray!

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Okay so Aiden now has the Skullheart inside him, but he doesn't know that yet, anyway since he forgot to get groceries because of what happened at the Cathedral. Guess he'll have to try again and explore more of the city in the process.
Aiden woke up with a strange feeling in his chest, this had been going on since he left the Cathedral yesterday. "Aiden it's time to get up sleepyhead! We have to go shopping for groceries today!" Marie said as she pulled the covers off of him. "Okay, okay let me get dressed and we can head out." Aiden said as he slipped on a black and white flannel shirt and jeans. Before walking out he placed his Fedora on his head. "Aiden how come you don't wear the dress shirt and pants and the dress vest that you wore into town?" Marie asked as she looked him in confusion. Aiden paused before he thought about how to answer her question.
"Those are my work clothes Marie! I have a week to get used to the city before I start my job!" Aiden said as he was not quite ready to tell her what he did for a living. Aiden may be a Vigilante, but that didn't mean he didn't pick up the occasional bounty. After a man's gotta eat and now that Marie was with him he had to work twice as hard. The two of them made their way to the shopping district and picked up food to stock up their fridge. "Aiden what would you like me to make for you when we get back home?" Marie asked as she looked over at the older boy with a curious look in her eye. Aiden thought about it before deciding to answer the question. "Why don't we go out to eat after we drop off this stuff at the apartment?" Aiden said as Marie nodded before continuing to walk home.
                      Aiden and Marie were both walking through town as they talked about where they should go. "I heard there's a really good restaurant in Little Innsmouth, why don't we go there?" Marie suggested as Aiden nodded in agreement. The two made their way into the quiet little town of Dagonian town as they headed straight for the restaurant. Aiden and Marie took they're seats at a table and waited for someone to come by to take their order. "Sorry for the wait! Welcome, my name is Minette and I'll be taking care of you today!" Minette introduced herself as she smiled at them. Aiden and Marie ordered they're drinks and food before Minette ran off to place their order.
                The duo talked and got to know each other better as they waited for their food to arrive. "Why don't you get me and my friend some free drinks and then we can hit the town!" A familiar voice said as Aiden turned to see those goons who tried to hurt Marie bothering Minette.

 "Why don't you get me and my friend some free drinks and then we can hit the town!" A familiar voice said as Aiden turned to see those goons who tried to hurt Marie bothering Minette

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"I'm sorry but I can't do that! I have work to do!" Minette said politely as the one in the white shirt got out of his seat and drew his Machete. "Now listen here you fish bitch! You don't say n" The guy's words were cut off by his hand holding the machete getting a bullet shot into it. "Aaaaaah! Who the hell dares?!!" The guy shrieks as he grips his now bleeding hand.
                "Gentlemen we must stop meeting like this! Now why don't you leave the little lady alone before I put one between your eyes." Aiden said as he pointed his now smoking revolver barrel at the goon. "You little brat! Your going to learn what happens when you mess with Riccardo! Lawrence get that punk!" Riccardo shouted at the fat goon in the red shirt. Lawrence charges Aiden as the boy simply aims his gun lower and puts a bullet in each of his knees. Lawrence collapses and clutches his legs in pain after getting shot. "I still have three shots gentlemen and believe when I say I won't waste a single one!" Aiden says as he points the gun at Riccardo once again.
Riccardo picks up his machete with his good hand before throwing it at Aiden. "Hit this You little bastard!" Riccardo shouted as he waited for the machete to connect. Aiden shot the machete, which sent it flying into wall where it got stuck. Before Riccardo could react Aiden unloaded his last to shots into his legs causing him to collapse as well. Aiden then stood up and walked over to Minette before offering his hand to help her up. "Terribly sorry about that Minette! I hope you're okay." Aiden said as Minette gave him a hug. "Thank you sir! I don't know what would have happened if you didn't cut in!" Minette said in a shaky voice as she let go of Aiden.
"Minette are you okay?!!" A female voice shouted as Aiden turned to see feral girl with cat ears and a tail approach them. "Nadia I'm okay! This nice man over here took care of those goons!" Minette responded as she pointed to Aiden. Nadia smiled before walking up to Aiden and extending her hand to him. "Heya! I'm Nadia Fortune! But everyone calls me Ms. Fortune! Thanks for saving Minette from those guys, as far as I'm concerned you are a friend!" Nadia finished as Aiden grabbed her hand and shook it. "Aiden Matthews and it was my pleasure to help Minette here! Also might I say you look absolutely purrfect!" Aiden said as Nadia laughed at the joke.
"Oh yeah me and you are going to get along just fine!" Nadia said with a chuckle as she turned towards the two goons on the floor. "Now as for you two!" Nadia said as she reached for Riccardo, but her head was punched clean off by a giant orange fist. Aiden turned to see what looked to be a circus performer wearing a hat with muscular arms.

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