Chapter 4:Bad Hair Day

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Alright so last time Aiden and Marie went to Little Innsmouth and met Nadia Fortune. Now that Aiden has gotten used to the city he'll start trying to clean it up! Although what new faces will he encounter along the way?
Aiden woke up once again with that strange burning feeling in his chest around his heart, what the hell was that anyway? Aiden sat up and put on some lounge clothing as he didn't plan on heading out until nighttime. After getting dressed Aiden made his way into the bathroom. "Seriously this is one weird city! I've been here less then a week and I've already met some interesting people. On top of that I can now produce blue fire for some reason!" Aiden muttered to himself as he ignited the tips of his fingers and watched the blue fire dance on them. "Aiden is everything okay in there?" Marie asked on from the other side of the door.
Aiden exited the bathroom as he walked up to Marie and gave her a pat on the head. "Yeah I'm fine Marie, just had a hard time getting a hair to stay down." Aiden said as he hoped she wouldn't press him on the topic. "Oh okay! Also breakfast is ready, so could please come and eat with me?" Marie asked in mock annoyance as she tapped her foot on the ground. Aiden let out a chuckle before following the younger girl to the dining room as they sat down to eat. "So Aiden do you have any plans for today?" Marie asked as they ate their breakfast. Aiden thought about it for a second before coming up with something believable.
"I was thinking I'd just hang around here for today. After all with what happened yesterday I'm a little worn out." Aiden said as he continued to eat. Marie nodded her head in understanding before they continued their meal in silence. After finishing Marie went to clean the dishes while Aiden continued to wonder where his new powers came from. "It doesn't make sense, blue flames just don't magically start coming from my body! There has to be a reason behind it, but what?" Aiden thought to himself as he sat on the couch in contemplation. "I'll worry about it later, I should probably get ready for tonight for now." Aiden muttered to himself as he set out to get ready.
                Aiden gently walked through the halls of his apartment dressed in his dress clothes and Fedora. After making sure Marie was fast asleep he grabbed Nekros and Lucky Seven before making his way towards the door. "Kid are you sure it's a good idea to leave Marie by herself?" Nekros questioned as Aiden opened the front door. "Nekros it'll be fine, besides what else can I do, bring her with me?" Aiden said as his living weapon seemed to think about it. "Yeah you're probably right, but I can't help but worry ya know?" Nekros said as Aiden slipped a mask onto his face.

 "Yeah you're probably right, but I can't help but worry ya know?" Nekros said as Aiden slipped a mask onto his face

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Aiden looked at the Speakeasy that was across the street with a contemplative look on his face. "The Medici have a serious strangle hold on this city. So starting small is the best course of action." Aiden muttered to himself as he got ready to put his plan into action. "Kid I know it wouldn't be smart to start big given who we're up against, but a Speakeasy? Come on this is total chump change!" Nekros said in complete disbelief at his partner's actions. "Oh don't get your skull in a twist! This is just a calling card! We'll get to the real fun soon enough." Aiden said as he made his way across the street.
                   Aiden entered the Speakeasy and sat down at one of the bar stools as everyone watched him. "New in town? Must be given that you don't know what you just walked into." The bartender said in his gravely voice as he cleaned a glass. "What's with the mask anyway?" The bartender asked as he continued to look at Aiden with a glare. "Sorry completely forgot I was wearing it, just came from a party you see." Aiden stated as the bartender just nodded his head before putting the glass down. "By any chance do you have Whiskey on the rocks, I could use that after such a long day." Aiden requested as the bartender set to prepping the drink.
                 The bartender set the drink down in front of Aiden as he grabbed it and swirled around for a bit. "Also if it's not to much trouble do any of you gentlemen know of any Medici businesses?" As soon as the words left his mouth Aiden found that the bartender pointed a gun at him along with another man from behind. "You's got some nerve coming here pal, now why don't you's just walk away?" The man from behind him said as he leveled the gun with his head. "Sorry it was wrong of me to expect actual intelligence from a bunch of low life's." Aiden said calmly as the bartender started to pull the trigger.
              Aiden grabbed the bartender's arm and aimed it at the other gun toting man just as the trigger was pulled. The man was shot in the neck and collapsed as Aiden splashed the Whiskey on the bartender. Before the tender could retaliate Aiden lit tip of his finger with blue flames and ignited the man. Aiden then pulled out Lucky Seven and shot six more of the men killing them as well. Another Medici ran up to him with a crowbar and swung for head, but Aiden unsheathes Nekros and blocks the attack. "Who the hell are you?" The goon asked as he struggled against Aiden.
             "Let's just say I'm a Wildcard." Aiden responded before slashing his opponent's crowbar in half. The goon stumbles back as Aiden lunges forward and stabs him in the gut. "Now I'll ask again, where are the Medici hiding their goods?" Aiden said as he twisted the blade into the man's gut. "T-There's a warehouse near Little Innsmouth where we keep our drugs! Please just let me go I'm just a low ranking goon!" The man pleaded for his life in complete hysterics. "Sorry lad, but I can't risk you telling your boss now can I?" Aiden said as he pulled Nekros from the man before slashing him across the throat.
"Kid I thought you wanted to send a calling card? How are we supposed to do that if they're all dead?!" Nekros questioned as he waited for Aiden to answer him. "Simple, let's put this new power of mine to good use." Aiden said as he lit Nekros's blade with blue fire and sent a slash of the fire towards the bar. As Aiden walked out the Speakeasy went up in blue flames. "Now let's see if I can do this." Aiden said as he focused and as the building was turned to ash a message was scorched into the ground. "The Wildcard is in Town" it read as Aiden walked away down the street.
Aiden took his mask off as he approached a diner and walked inside and sat down next to a girl in a school uniform and hat. "What can I get for ya?" The man at the counter asked as he pulled out a notepad and pen. "Coffee, cream and sugar." Aiden replied as the man wrote down the order before walking off. Aiden glanced over at the girl sitting next to him, she had a cute face and quite a beautiful figure. Although Aiden could have sworn he'd seen her hat move around it's own. Aiden was ripped from his thoughts as a mug was placed down in front of him. Aiden took a sip from his coffee and let out a content sigh. "Hey baby why don't you come back to my place so we can have some fun?" A familiar voice spoke out as Aiden turned his head to find a certain criminal.

         Aiden could not believe he was running into this Riccardo guy for the third time and now he had the nerve to harass this girl

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Aiden could not believe he was running into this Riccardo guy for the third time and now he had the nerve to harass this girl. Aiden pressed the barrel of Lucky Seven against Ricardo's head. "Riccardo I believe I told you we have to stop meeting like this and get here you are harassing another young girl. Do you have any shame?" Aiden said as Riccardo looked at him and all color in his face completely drained away. "H-Hey j-just t-take it easy there pal, I'm trying to have a little fun is all!" Riccardo said shakily as he let go of the girl and backed away.
"Oh is that so? Well then would you mind me asking how's your hand doing after our last meeting?" Aiden asked as he cocked the hammer on his gun and continued to aim it at Riccardo. "O-Oh would ya look at the time! I've gotta go!" Riccardo said as he ran out of the diner as fast as he could. Aiden sighed before putting Lucky Seven away and turning towards the girl. "Are you alright miss?" Aiden asked as the girl finally looked him in the eye. "Thank you, my name is Filia." Filia introduces herself as Aiden extends his hand to her. "Aiden Matthews, a pleasure to meet you Filia." Aiden said as they shook hands.
"Hang on a second there's something strange about her. I know I've felt this presence before, Samson is that you?" Nekros spoke as the eyes in the skull glowed blue surprising Filia. "Y-Your cane can talk?!" Filia said in surprise as she looked at Nekros in surprise. Suddenly Filia dragged Aiden out of the diner before her hat was eaten by her hair. "Well I'll be damned! Nekros is that you? How long has been walking stick?" A face that was in Filia's hair said as it pointed a hairy tendril at the cane. "About fifty years or so, I see you found a new host. I hope you haven't caused her to much trouble." Nekros said as Samson recoiled slightly at his words.
"I'm offended, how could you think I was trying to cause trouble? Anyway I'm actually trying to help Filia get her memories back so we can't chat for long." Samson said as Filia had an embarrassed look on her face. "Well good luck with that, anyway we best being getting back home before morning. See ya around Filia!" Aiden said before running off back home. Filia watched the boy go as her cheeks turned slightly pink in the process. "Aww you got a crush kid?" Samson teased as Filia blushed an even darker shade of pink. "Shut up Samson!" Filia whined as she began to make her way home as well.

Alright so Aiden has sent a message to the Medici letting them know that he's coming to get them and he's met Filia and saved her from Riccardo! What other new faces will Aiden meet? Find out next time!

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