Chapter 6:Skullboy and Allies

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So Aiden's new found power has been rapidly developing, but the question is where did it come from? Will he finally get some answers?
Aiden woke up and looked around, only to find that he wasn't in his bed, but in some strange house. "Nekros? Marie? Carol? You guys there?" Aiden called out to his friends in hopes of one of them answering. "Oh my so your finally awake!" Aiden turned to see a strange girl in rather skimpy clothing and glasses. Strangely enough she seemed to have teeth on her torso for some reason.

"Oh where are my manners! My name is Venus one of the three goddesses of the Trinity

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"Oh where are my manners! My name is Venus one of the three goddesses of the Trinity." Venus introduces herself as she does a little bow. "Wait the Trinity? So your one of those three ladies that Sister Agatha and the rest of New Meridian worship?!" Aiden said in disbelief at this information.
Venus laughed into her hand at his reaction. "Yes cutie I am. Please don't feel the need to bow down to me, you are our chosen one after all." Venus said as she gave Aiden a gentle smile. "Chosen one? Wait are you the ones responsible for these strange powers I've recently obtained?" Aiden asked in surprise at the goddess's words. "That is correct Skullboy, sister you should tease him like this." Another voice said from behind Aiden as he turned to see a girl with a literal hourglass figure approaching them.

               "Oh come on Aeon learn to have fun would you?" Venus whined as she stomped her foot angrily at her sister

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"Oh come on Aeon learn to have fun would you?" Venus whined as she stomped her foot angrily at her sister. "I'm sorry about her behavior Aiden. As you heard my name is Aeon, I'm pleased to finally meet you." Aeon said as she grabbed Aiden's hands with her own. "Its a pleasure to meet you as well Aeon, but you called me Skullboy earlier, why is that?" Aiden asked as Aeon gave him a small smile. "Because our loyal servant Double, you know her as Sister Agatha placed the Skullheart in you. That makes you our Skullboy." Aeon explained as she let go of Aiden's hands and sat down on the couch.
"Wait I thought the Skullheart only worked for girls? Doesn't it also make the host go crazy?" Aiden questioned as Venus laughed at his words before taking his hand and sitting him down on the couch. "Most of the time it does, but you are pure of heart and your desires are just, this means you can fully wield the Skullheart." Aeon explained as Aiden nodded his head in understanding while he processed the information he just received. "So that's where the blue fire and skeleton dragon came from. Why me though? What's so special about a vigilante like me?" Aiden asked in complete confusion.
"It is because all of your actions are for the sake of others child." A very mature sounding female voice said as Aiden saw a door open and the form of a woman stood in the doorway. The woman stepped into the room and it was revealed to be a blonde haired lady wearing white robes.

 The woman stepped into the room and it was revealed to be a blonde haired lady wearing white robes

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"Mother!" Both Venus and Aeon said as they ran up and hugged their mother. "Hello girls, now Aiden Matthews I'm happy to finally be able to see you face to face." Mother said in a gentle voice as she approached Aiden, her smile never leaving her face. "The pleasure's mine Mother." Aiden said as he took his hat off in respect for the Goddess.
Mother placed a hand over her mouth as she tried to stifle a laugh. "Well are you a sweetheart. Please there is no need for formalities child." Mother said as she patted the top of Aiden's head. Aiden blushed slightly at Mother's actions, he never knew his mother or father so parents were a foreign concept to him. "I sense mixed emotions from you child, are you alright?" Mother asked as she looked at Aiden in slight worry. "I'm fine Mother, I was just wondering if this is what having a parent feels like." Aiden said in slight embarrassment from having to admit his feelings.
Mother smiled at his words before pulling him into a gentle hug. "I'm glad I could make you feel that love child. Now we must explain your role." Mother said as she broke the hug and gestured for everyone to sit down. "As the Skullboy you have proven to be worthy of wielding it's power. You will continue to tap into more of the Skullheart's power over time as long as you stay true to yourself and ideals." Mother started to explain as Aiden listened intently. "You intend on cutting out the cancer that has plagued New Meridian for years, you are strong, but you should assemble allies to fight by your side." Mother continued as Aiden was beginning to get an understanding of this whole thing.
"Double as our loyal servant will be at your beck and call given that you are our chosen one, but you should form unions with others as well." Mother finished as she looked at Aiden to see his reaction. "So you want me to form a gang essentially and do what came here to do in the first place?" Aiden asked as Mother nodded. "Yes for now that is your purpose later on we shall tell you more when the time is right." Mother said as she smiled at Aiden. Aiden felt himself begin to get pulled from the dreamscape as he returned to the world of the living.
              Aiden woke up to find Carol and Marie hovering over him with worry plastered onto their faces. "Aiden! Thank goodness your okay!" Marie cried as she threw her arms around the boy. "Aiden you were summoning blue flames in your sleep, what's going on here?" Carol asked in a firm but worried tone. Aiden sighed before he explained how he is the Skullboy and his meeting with the Trinity. "I understand if you guys hate me I understand completely. Especially you Carol given that your life was stripped away from you because of the Skullheart." Aiden said as he looked down at his lap.
                 Carol slowly approached Aiden, making sure her wheel staid behind her as she did. Carol gently pulled Aiden into a hug as Marie also joined in. "Aiden I don't hate you for this, you saved me from myself so I'd like to ask to be your first ally." Carol said as she finally broke the hug and looked at him. "I know I can't fight, but I'd like to become your ally as well!" Marie said as she also looked at Aiden with a smile on her face. "If that's what both of you wish then so be it." Aiden said as he placed a hand on one of their shoulders near their neck. Aiden's glowed blue with fire as a small marking in the shape of the Skullheart appeared on their skin.
"You have found two loyal allies that will help you on your journey, good luck Skullboy." Aiden heard Mother's voice in his head after Carol and Marie became his allies. "Alright the first thing we should do is collect information on Medici storage unit at the docks. After we figure out how things are run there, we can move in and attack." Aiden explained his plan as he got the okays from the girls. After the brief meeting everyone broke off to do their own things for the day. Aiden was planning on paying Double a visit and hear her side of things and if she would help with the plan.

So Aiden has met the Trinity! Aiden now has to assemble a group of loyal allies to complete the mission that brought him to New Meridian in the first place! How will his visit to Double go? What other allies and new faces will he meet? Find out in the next chapter!

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