36. Cairn

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Very early on the next morning, I dragged the gem formerly known as "Ghost" to the infirmary, where I asked a still half sleep Rutile to lend me a couple of his tools.

—Y-you don't have to do this, you know?

—I can stop if you don't want it, but I think you deserve your own name.

—I... don't really care either way...

—Well then, let's proceed!

I washed the powder off his hand and took a very intently look at it, even using a magnifying glass that Rutile had lying among his things. I had become very skilled in identifying the components of everything, if I had to say so myself.

—You are made of silicon dioxide crystals, so you are also a quartz like Ghost. But this specific color, black but with a hint of yellow when it is against the light... Smoky? No, that doesn't sound right... Ah! I got it! —I said, having finished my perfect analysis and deduction—, your new name will be Cairngorm!


I nodded enthusiastically.

—It sounds good, doesn't it? —I said—. Sounds serious and strong, just like you. It has, like... a pow!

—What's does that even mean?

—I have no idea —I said with a wide smile that annoyed him.

A glint in his eye caught my attention, and I asked him to let me see it on detail.

—Oh, but your eyes still have fragments of ghost quartz...

—There is nothing we can do about that —Rutile interrupted—, only Sensei really knew how to make eyes, and we haven't been able to gather pearls since the ocean froze, so I haven't had the chance to experiment with them. That's why I didn't put your missing eye, which, honestly, it's starting to creep me out.

I took my hand to the empty eye socket on my face.

—Right, I forgot I was going to ask Red Beryl to make me a cute eye patch —I murmured for myself, then turned towards Cairn—, well, you don't have anything to worry about it, I have been using Lapis' eyes for a long time and haven't suffered any negative effect.

—Are you sure about that?

—More importantly —I said, trying to ignore his jab against me—, we need to tell everyone about your new name!

I took him by the wrist and dragged him to where everyone was gathering for our morning meeting, hijacking the event to introduce his new name.

—Everyone, 3, 2, 1!

—Cairngorm! —the most enthusiastic among us yelled, though I think I heard Melon start to call him "Ghost" before his partner corrected him.

—Bort! You have to say it too, don't hide on the back!!

—Car-Cargomu... what?

—Say it!

—Don't rush him —Zircon tried to defend him.

After a few tries, we get him to at least spell it. Only Caster and Cinnabar were still ignorant of Cairn's new name, as they were working on the former's underground "laboratory" as always. I rushed to go and tell them, but I stopped halfway there remembering that without Cairn himself being there, the presentation would lack the proper punch. So I went back, and saw from the distance that apparently everyone has already left to attend their duties. As I got more closer, however, I started hearing a conversation.

—He was very energetic this morning, just like he was when I first meet him —Antarc said—, even when he was smiling yesterday it seemed a bit... empty. I'm glad he is back to normal.

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