Where am I?

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Adam's POV

When I woke up I was in a forest. wandering around until I found a cave near a lake. I was about to walk in when a huge dragon came out, staring down, he questioned me, "What are you doing here, human?"

I cowered in fear, replying to him in a scared voice, "Sorry sir, I got lost and I don't know where I am."

The dragon answered. "We are in Alveraz."

His eyes shifted as I followed his stare to notice that he saw the bandages wrapped about my arms.

"What has happened to your arms?" He asked.

I just looked at him with a sad look. With a sigh I said, "I cut myself. Mostly because nobody cares for me and I have nothing to live for." Tears started to form in my eyes as the dragon just looked at me. I saw the dragons mouth opening as though he was to say another word but then my sight had gone dark, falling unconscious.

Time Skip 1 week brought to you by

When I woke up I noticed that I was in a nicely decorated room. I looked down and noticed that there were bandages on my hands. Just then a man with blue hair walked up to me and said, "Ah, looks like your awake. You lost a lot of blood it took a while to replenish it. "

I looked at him and said in a sleepy voice, "Who are you?"

The man spoke, "I am Hail, the Water God Dragon. I know that I don't look like it but the dragons can have human forms." After he said that I replied, "Thank you, Hail."

He smiled at me and said, "When you are healed we will begin your training to become a Dragon Slayer"

I just nodded and asked, "Where are we right now?" He just looked at me and said, "We are in my underwater house in Alveraz."

I just looked at him and nodded as if I wasn't surprised. He then looked at me and said with a smirk, "Training starts tomorrow. Sleep now cause your gonna need it." I just thought I'm finally in a place where I belong."

Time Skip 6 years. The year is now X777

Narrators POV

Adam's life has been great. He exceeded in his training and for his 9th birthday, Adam received an amulet from Hail. It became his most prized possession. They became like Father and Son. Then one day he disappeared.

Adam's POV

When I got back to where I usually meet Hail he wasn't there. I couldn't feel him at all anywhere. 'He abandoned me,' I thought while tears were welling up in my eyes. 'No, he wouldn't want me to cry.' I thought as I started to walk away from the place I called home.

Time Skip 1 month

I found my self in the streets of the capital rummaging through old food to find something to eat. He heard someone call out to me saying, "Boy you there I wish to speak with you" I got out and dusted myself off and my exceed followed suit. I soon found self right in front of the emperor and I quickly bowed. He told me there was no reason to because he was looking for a younger brother. He then asked me a question I thought I would never hear in a million years, "Would you like to be my younger brother." I quickly nodded and yelled in happiness with tears in my eyes, "Of course nii-san". He smiled as he ruffled my hair and grabbed my hand and led me to my new home".

End of chapter 2.

Sadness Becomes Happiness: A Fairy Tail StoryWhere stories live. Discover now