The Test

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Adam POV

I woke up around 2 am and decided to go to for a walk around town. When I came back to the hotel Mystogen said that we should we should go back.

Time skip halfway back to the guild

Mystogen POV

About halfway back to the guild. Adam saw a sweets shop and just wanted to go all out. I refused at first but he persisted. I gave in knowing that he wouldn't stop. He brought a lot of strawberry cake and red velvet. He needed two carriages to haul it back. I sweatdropped at the sight. When we got back to our client we collected our money. a cake to the client as a gift. When the client received the cake his mouth drooled. As we left the client waved as did Adam with that childish smile that never changed.

Le Time Skip

Adam POV

The duo parted ways once they reached the city of Magnolia. Adam was headed back to the guild while onlookers sweatdropped at the number of cakes I had. I reached the guild hall when Someone called out my name. I turned around and saw Ezra and I said to her, "Oh, Ezra I was just looking for you." she looked at me with confusion and asked, "Why were you looking for me?" I pointed to the cart full of strawberry cakes and said, "I got these for you know you don't get these." She had stars in her eyes and looked at me to see if I was telling the truth and I nodded. She cheered as I went to the back of the guild to put the cakes in storge. I thanked the carriage drivers as they returned. I walked into the guild and went up to the bar to tell Mira about the cake in the back. She nodded and when she went in the back she almost fainted at the sight of all the cakes. Just then Natsu called out my name and asked me something, "Hey, Adam. What was it like the SSS-Class mission?" I could see all the wonder in his eyes. I was about to answer his question when the master shouted out my name, "ADAM. It's time. Pick your opponent." I nodded and said, "I pick Mira." Everybody gave me a deathly look when I said Mira knowing it would be over soon. Just then I heard Lucy say in a mutter, "He's so doomed". I ignored her as the master told us to take it outside.

The battle was about to begin as she went into her halflas form. I smirked as I said, "No holding back" she nodded. She launched at me with such immense speed and was about to strike as I whispered, "Water dragons Demolishing strike." There was so much force that everybody felt the magic power released. I then said for everybody to hear, 

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the stars, far and wide...
Show me thy appearance...
With such shine.
Oh Tetrabiblos...
I am the ruler of the stars...
Aspect become complete...
Open thy malevolent gate.
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...

Urano Metria!," 

The attack hit her with such force she flew back into the forest. Everybody was shocked, to say the least. Lucy then yelled in a bitchy voice "How was somebody as the likes of you able to learn that spell. Only Celestial Spirit mages are able to use that spell." I rolled my eyes and took out my keys and showed them to her as I called out, "Open gate of the Ram, Scorpion, Twins, Heavenly Scale, and Paired Fish..." All of my spirits came out and I told them to "I need you to set up a perimeter around the east forest. Gemini I need you to distract her with a memory of a loved one, Aries and Libra you set the wall up, Scorpio back up Gemini and Pisces help out Aries and Libra. After this you'll get the week off," they all smiled and said, "Yes," and they dispersed.

10 minutes later

Adam POV

As I ran to the forest I put up a lacramia around the forest so they can see the battle. When I reached Mira she was trying to break out of the wall I flew above her without her knowing and dived down on her as I said, "Water God Dragons Crushing Talon". She screamed in pain as my wings disappeared. She got up as 'Lisanna' appeared in front of her and I pointed a water magic spear at her and said, "Death,". The aura suddenly grew darker as she stood up and rushed at me with such eminence speed I was thrown into the wall. Everybody who was watching gasped knowing I was probably going to die. I smiled as I yelled, "Lets even the odds, shall we?" Everybody was confused, as I said, "Re-equip: Demon God armor." She stood there shocked as well as everybody else there as I rushed at her and coated my remaining magic power in this blast. I shot a magic wave at her. I then collapsed the wall disappearing as well as my other spirits. Not knowing if I won or not. I whispered for the only Mira to hear as I said, "I'm sorry"

END Hope you enjoyed

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