The Letter

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Marakov's POV

As Adam walked out, I noticed two letters on my desk, one was for me the other for Wendy. I opened my letter and out popped a  stack of cash and the letter as well it said,

Dear Master,

I'm sorry for what happened to Mira, please apologize to her for me. I will miss Little Wendy and this guild, If its ok with you I'll come back for the S-class trials but keep this a secret from them. In here is 30,000,000 jewel for all the damages and debts the guild have. You don't have to pay me back. This guild will always be my family. For now, I will be rebuilding the city on Tenore Island. I understand if everybody hates me mostly because since they attacked me. Since I woke up."

Thank you for taking me in.

Lots of love


Tears were welling in my eyes as I read the letter. I walked out and stood on the railing and yelled, "Listen up you brats, Adam and Karma have now been expelled from the guild." I could hear some cheers and some whispers of complaints. I ignored them and went down to Wendy to hand her the letter. Wendy took the letter from me and she read aloud,

Dear Wendy,

It's your big brother Adam. I'm so sorry to leave you when I have just returned, but I must. Everybody in Fairy Tail, especially you, have become my new family. If I ever may be reinstated, you will be part of my team. Right about now Karma is probably crying over not seeing Carla again. I don't want you to cry, I want you to grow strong, I hope to see you and Carla again soon. What you saw this morning was from my past which I will tell you once we meet again. There is another thing which is only for the dragon slayers to hear which include, Natsu, the rust bucket, Sting, Rogue, you, and me. I don't blame anyone if they hate me for doing what I did to Mira. I do deeply apologize for doing that. I'm probably passed out from the poison in that knife that somebody threw at me about now, but don't worry I'll be fine. Those scars that everyone saw are from my past. I love you, Wendy. 

Till next we meet again,

Love Adam & Karma

Once she finished reading everybody was crying, especially Wendy. Erza told Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Wendy that they should hurry to his house. I wanted to call them but they got away, knowing they would find something they wouldn't like.

Ezra's POV

'It's my fault that he's poisoned, I threw the knife at him.  We need to apologize to him,' I thought. We all ran to the house and as we got there and were about to knock on the door Lucy said very loudly, "How the hell does he have a place like this. How does someone of his status have enough money to afford this." I glared at her and said, "I don't know but he owns this whole lake and forest. And people who use it for fishing and hunting have to get permission first. That's why there is a magical barrier around his whole property and another around his house. Now, will you shut up!" I may have said the last part a bit too loudly because I heard shuffling around his house and heard someone talking. I broke the door down and saw Adam look at us and quickly take out something and say, "Open portal to Alveraz Throne room"

We were all shocked as to why he would say that location and then I caught something in the corner of my eye. It was Lucy trashing his house. I was appalled to see this. I yelled at her to stop. She looked at me and fixed what she trashed, Then something barked at me and the group. I looked down and it was a baby fox. I was about to pick it up and somebody yelled at us, "Get out! Haven't you done enough damage?" I looked to see Karma picking up the fox cub and giving us a glare. I pointed my sword at him, commanding, "I order you, tell us where  Adam is now." He knocked my sword away and then told me in a sarcastic tone, "You dare order me around Tatania? His location is none of your concern. Now get out before I call the authorities." Natsu and Grey stepped up and shouted, "How dare you talk to Ezra like that! Apologize to her now!" He looked at us smugly. Lucy thought in her mind, 'How dare this bitch to tell us what to do, especially me!' He then looked at us then snapped his fingers. Everything went black.

Karmas POV

'That was close' I thought as I dragged the last person outside of the property. I erased the memories of what had happened and then put up a notice that said, "This area will be temporarily closed until further notice," I went in the area and summoned clones to buy supplies cause I'm going to make a small village. I called to get the magic councils approval for my village. They came over and approved my new village called (Enter name here). Once approved my clones got working on the marketplace with shade along the way. We finished around 11 pm.

Time skip to tomorrow

Once awake I decided to contact the Sabertooth guild to help with construction. Once they arrived I told them that the houses and gardens around them needed to be done. Once I showed them where to start and where to end they set off to work. 

END. There will be more next time

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