New Family and Friends

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Just because my path is different 

doesn't mean im lost


Adam's POV

 As I made my way there I saw a boy the same age as me and a girl who looked much younger. I walked up to them and said, "Hey, are you having trouble finding your way around town? Oh, by the way, I'm Adam." The boy replied, "I'm Mystogen and this little one is Wendy."

Mystogen then asked me, "What is somebody at your age wandering around all town by your self?" and I answered him by saying with a small chuckle, "I could say the same for you. But to answer your question, im heading home. Now, where are you going? you could stay with me if you want. Nii-san won't mind."

He had stars in his eyes as he said, "Ok, thank you very much. Let's be friends." 

I nodded and led them to the castle. The guards stopped us and told them to state our business.

I looked at them and scowled, "Really how could you not recognize me. I leave for a week and you forget me" The two looked confused and then Brandish came out.

"What's all this commotion about?" brandish asked in a ticked off tone. everybody except me was shaking in fear. 

"The dumb guards aren't letting me in brandish-nii" I huffed childishly. 

She looked at me and impartially ran up to me and started hugging the life out of me. The guards knew she only hugged one person. 

"can't breathe Brandish-nii" I managed to choke out.

"Sorry, I just missed you. Now who are those two behind you" she said I a curious tone. she then started scolding the guards on not recognizing me.

"These are my two new friends. The Bluenette boy is Mstogen, and the Shy blue haired girl is wendy. shes younger than both of us." I said 

She suddenly was growing stars in her eyes as she was rushing towards Wendy.  The guards, Mystogen, and I started restraining her but to no avail. She started squeezing wendy and saying "your so cute" over and over. Wendy's face was so flustered at the attention. 

A little bit later Brandish was done hugging Wendy and told me to wait in my quarters for my brother. On the way, I told my two new friends that I am the prince of this country. They were both shocked and asking why I didn't tell them before. 

I replied by saying, "I don't usually get friends that I choose. This was the first one"

They said that my reason was fine. We soon entered my room. A fox soon lept up on me and started licking my face. I explained that I loved foxes so they got one for my birthday and lots of fox plushes. They both squealed when I got up holding the fox in my arms. They asked if they could pet him and I said that was ok because he loves everybody. 

Invil soon came in and said in a serious tone, "Adam, your brother wishes to speak with you"

"Alright, you icepick" I replied. The other two laughed at this and invel grew a tick mark and just walked off.

Zerefs quarters

When I entered my brother's quarters he ran up to me and hugged me tightly and we talked about my travel and my 2 new friends. He said that they could stay and that dinner would be a spriggian 12 dinner tonight.

2 years later

Mystogen POV

"I have to leave but you will see me again," I said to everyone. Everyone waved as I walked off


End of this part

*Adam comes in with Evelyn*

Adam: Thanks for reading, make sure you vote or comment to support the book

Author: You're breaking the fourth wall

Adam: oops

Evelyn: Adam, why are you talking to yourself? You're the Author.

Adam: ...So are you

Evelyn: True.

Adam: ...

Evelyn: ...

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