Banishment or Ss-class

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Adam's POV

When I woke up I noticed that I was in the guilds infirmary. I got my keys out and called for Aries ♈️ and said to her, "Sorry to call you, but I wanted to congratulate you guys on your hard work. Thanks for helping me. Tell the others I said thanks" she nodded and disappeared. I got up and saw that Mira wasn't in there with me so I went into the guild hall and noticed it was deathly quiet. Karma came up rushing up towards me and cried as he got in arms saying, "You're awake. It's been 3 months. Sorry I missed your birthday. But I did find a house for us."  I looked at him and yelled, "3 months!! Damn, I can't believe it's been that long." 'What's going on here' I thought 
Karma looked at me and wanted me to follow me to the house. He transformed into his human form once we were outside the guild and said, "Race ya" with that he took off as fast as he could as I yelled, "hey! No fair! I don't know where it is"

Time skip after the race

We reached a stone path and we walked along it. After we reached the end I saw the most beautiful view I ever saw with a beautiful house and garden. Karma told me that we own that whole lake and the forest and people who use it pay a fine and the money goes directly to us. I had tears in my eyes as I hugged him saying thank you again and again.

Back at the guild

Once we reached the guild I open the doors and I saw a big brawl going out again. Once I walked in the guild was completely silent and then a chair was thrown at me. I looked at who threw the chair and I saw Natsu yell at me with venom, "What are you doing here you bastard. Get out of here. You don't belong here." After that everybody joined in and started throwing magic, tables, chairs, and glass at me. Somebody threw some poison magic at me. It hit me and I fell to the ground. Once I did somebody threw air magic to cut the clothes on the arm to damage it more. Everybody stopped and stared at my arm which had many scars on it. Once somebody was coming up to me to apologize I held up my hand and laughed in a sinister way, "You can do all you want to me. But I have been through worse." then called for me not realizing what had been going on at the moment.

I knocked on the door and he sad "come in"
I opened the door and sat down and asked, "did u need me, master?" He looked at me with a sad expression and said, "What happened to your arm. It's good to see you awake and all. But since your fight 3 months ago I've considered you to be an SS-class wizard. But some of the other wizards think I shouldn't make this decision since you made Mira..." I replied, "Nothing you need to worry about the master. And im sorry for what I did to Mira"
I know what he meant by that and I do regret it.  The mastered continued, "the others think it's best if you leave the guild." I looked at him with shock and a sad face as he said, "But you'll only take a leave of absence seeing as how you regret what you did my child. I will tell the others that I have 'banished' you though" I looked at him with tears in my eyes as to karma who fell asleep for this whole thing. I then said to the master, "thank you, master. Hand this out to Wendy and here is some money for the recent damages that have been caused over the past 3 months." He looked at me with shock at the amount of money I handed him with a note for Wendy and him as I Hopped out the window.

End hope you enjoyed

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