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valt laughed, a childlike energy radiating off of him. he splashed the water onto your face. you pouted and flicked a bit of liquid from the poolside onto his face.

sunlight glittered on the water's surface, giving the pool a light blue color.

he walked to one side of the pool and pushed off of the wall, gliding quickly and gracefully through the water. his body sliced through the water effortlessly, the droplets falling back down and joining the larger mass of liquid.

when he reached the other side of the pool, he flipped underwater and turned back again. his arms quickly extended over his head, going under the surface, almost skimming his ear, and back down again at a speed that barely registered in your vision.

when he reached his original start position, he lifted his head up out of the water and stood up in the water, grinning at you. his dark blue hair was plastered to his head, almost covering his eyes.

he got out of the water and dried himself briskly with a towel embroidered with a valkyrie design. he threw it over to the side and headed over to the diving board.

his feet sprung over the steps, carrying his body over to the edge of the board.

when he reached the end, he tested the board, and then, sensing that all was fine, he jumped off and did a backflip, rotating through the air, though he had overshot it a bit.

after a few seconds, he resurfaced and shook his head off, water droplets spraying everywhere.

"hey, [name]! you saw that, right? right?" he had an adorable grin stretching across his entire face.

from your spot on the edge of the pool, you nodded and gave a thumbs-up. "mhm!" though your response was short, you had been fixated on the boy's every movement since arrival. he seemed so joyous and in tune with his surroundings, yet not caring about what was going on around him. it was curious.

"c'mon, [name]! play with me?" valt invites, gesturing with an arm while treading water with his legs and free arm. "please?"

you look at the pool filled with water, then his round brown eyes. "sure. wanna play basketball?" you were referring to the hoop mounted to the ground on the edge of the pool. for some reason, the ball seemed heavier when swimming than on land, but you could use it as a flotation device. physics, people.

his eyes light up and he swims over to the blue and white ball floating in the middle of the lane. "yeah! and i'll beat you easily!" he lobs it over the laneline and swims underneath it, curling over it like a shrimp.

the games commence. you snatch the ball, valt snatches it back, he throws it and it makes a plop and a splash, you lunge towards it and shoot it, it misses and valt gets the rebound, you scowl, he shoots, he gets two points, and repeat in slightly skewed orders; the ratio of valt's points to your points is about 2:1.

the sun is setting, dropping lower in the sky. the lights inside the pool flicker on and the chirping of cicadas can be heard. "let's go back home, valt," you suggest, wrapping a towel around yourself. 

"just let me get an ice cream first, okay?" he pleads, fishing through his swimming bag for some spare change.

you smile. "okay. get me a watermelon bomb pop while you're at it, then." green outer coat, red inside shaft. candy seeds sprinkled all over, with a stick you can suck the tiny piece of sugary popsicle out of once you're all done. 

the two of you exit the pool area and sit in the car, freshly showered and clothed. he hands you your treat. you unwrap it with a giddy grin and lick at it immediately, as it's already melted a little due to the summer warmth present even in the evening. 

valt takes a bite out of his own pop, a spongebob popsicle. he finishes before you, although you mutter something about his being easier to eat quickly due to its rectangular shape and ability to not slide down the stick.

you return home satisfied, ready for the next day to come.

— —

i really enjoyed writing this! originally, i think we had a prompt in english class in seventh grade to just write something and make it descriptive. i did that for maybe the first 250 words. the rest was done today, june 9th, 2020. as of today, i've also had my last english class of middle school. my relationship with english was kind of a love-and-hate sort of relationship. tedious but it got to be so fun. :) i'll miss it. come to think of it, i only really joined wattpad on this account and started writing stories maybe the summer before seventh grade? thank you guys for the memories, truly. i don't think i've said thank you to you guys enough for the comments and love here, and i do think wattpad has helped me out over these two years. see ya!

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