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this is more a drabble than anything;; i wrote it a loooong time ago but gave up on it so it's just the first chapter of a fic haha if you've seen it you've seen it like 3 times already

it really had been a while.

months, and definitely years. they had met in a past life for sure. she made a promise to him.

"i'm going to see you again. i know i will! And when i do, get ready! i'll corrupt you, and you can bet that I'll change the world too!"

math? it was tiring, and her eyelids were fighting desperately, torn apart by her physical needs and her mental strength to stay awake. dark underneath her eyes and impatience were signs of sleep loss.

as the grip on her pencil grew loose, her numbers got increasingly and alarmingly sloppier (the teacher was a strict one), and her mind wandered. from topics such as when lunchtime to the average thickness of a blanket, she almost got lost in the notes. forgetting to take them would be the worst kind of mistake one could make.

picking up a blue mildliner and sloppily highlighting the information on the packet, she struggled to see the board. trying not to catch attention from anyone, she slowly and carefully put them on. they had not been washed for quite some time, but they hadn't developed that greasy film on the frames yet.

the teacher called lunchtime, and so it was time to depart for the cafeteria.

chairs scraped noisily against the floor, and everyone rushed to get out. she got into the hallway with her lunchbox, she headed to the outdoor courtyard where students could occasionally eat and hang out.

it wasn't as busy as the cafeteria, and it almost had a sense of peace and calmness despite being on school grounds and enclosed by school walls.

taking a while to find a comfortable spot, she finally settled down on a large cool rock. she unwrapped her sandwich and began nibbling at it. it was that time of year where the air was colder, but the sun could shine down and burn a hole in your back if it wanted to.

luckily she had found a bit of shade under a tree. the girl turned to her fruit, having finished her main course. she checked her watch out of habit; there was still plenty of time left before she had to return to class.

packing her utensils and containers, she stood up and stretched a bit. out of boredom, she found distraction in dragging her sneaker across the sandy ground to create a streaked line. dust came up in clouds, but not irritatingly. there wasn't much to do to pass the time (she had forgotten to bring her journal), so she sat back down on the rock and stared at the brick wall in front of her.

she even began looking through her memories for some things she heard others did as a kid, such as making whistles out of blades of grass and trying to stack stones on top of each other. she was about to start digging a hole to look for worms, until she started looking for sticks and realized there were no fallen branches in the courtyard.

startled and self-conscious when the door to the courtyard opened and a newcomer entered. they were a boy about her age, who she had spotted in the hallways a couple of times before, partially due to his brightly colored hair. he really stood out.

he paid no attention to anyone and quickly scarfed down what appeared to be his lunch. a high-protein meal that could keep him energized and didn't take long to eat. he threw away his wrappers in the trash can and went over to the school-provided beystadium.

she didn't really know why it was there, nor what it was for. she did know that there was this one sport called beyblade that was super popular among the boys of the school currently, and that was pretty much it.

scenes played out in her head about how she would approach him (she was fascinated), and she replayed similar ones over and over. her actions and his reactions flooded her mind, and she avoided looking at the boy as much as possible. they were the only ones in the courtyard so naturally it was an awkward situation.

after finally getting a quick burst of courage, she started towards him with soft footsteps. he immediately turned around and locked eyes with her. she contemplated scurrying backwards as if it wasn't her who moved, but was so nervous she was frozen.

"is there something you need?" he asked, right hand gripped a launcher. but there was no bey.

she shook her head just the slightest amount and retreated back to her stone seat. just like in one of her mental scenarios, she had taken a big fail. the bell rung. hastily she dashed out of the courtyard and back to class she went.

upon sitting down in the hard plastic chair she realized she had left her lunchbox in the courtyard. with a panic, she was about to raise her hand like she had heard other people say they did in elementary school, but she looked back down at her desk to see a packet and a bubble sheet.

they were taking another test.

she heard the teacher's distant announcement, and she scrawled out her name messily on the top of the packet. mistakes were made, of course. doodles were created on the packet, and various designs including a sketch of the boy from the courtyard were found on the returned materials.

as they were dismissed she made a note to check the courtyard after school, hopefully before it got dark. sometimes the teachers would extend their classes an extra 30 minutes, and by then if all of them did it they could be there until 7pm.

but more school time meant more journaling and drawing time, plus more time away from her house. school did feel a tiny bit safer.

at the end of the school day (it ended up finishing at 5:30), she threw on her jacket and got her things from her locker. a blast of chilly wind hit her as she opened the door to the courtyard. using a flashlight to try to navigate the dark area, she successfully located the lunchbox (it was exactly where she had left it!).

mission accomplished, she rushed through the hallways to the main entrance where her bike was waiting for her. she placed her items in the basket and pedaled faster for a warmer and quicker journey.

locking her bike up to a designated parking spot, she removed her helmet and took all her things with her when going into the convenience store. she went down her regular aisles and picked up what she always got; two rice balls, a sandwich, a cup of fruit, and a bottle of tea. since it was definitely getting colder at night, she also placed a 24-pack of hand warmers into her basket.

at the self-checkout, she scanned and bagged all her items and walked back out to her bike. stuffing the food and hand warmers into her backpack along with her other things, she raced herself back to her house, pedaling furiously and leaning this way and that. speed was part of the fun in life.

the typical evening life ensued. music, homework, dinner, arguments, dishes, arguments, shower, bed, sleep.

she wrapped herself comfortably in blankets, a soft pillow under her head.


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yayayayay i'm actually kinda ( sorta, maybe? ) proud of this chapter!

i was working on it for about a week, though on and off, and i'm really excited for the rest of the story! i'm thinking it's going to follow gachi, what with diabolos breaking and such. ( reread carefully if you want! )

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look, an edit! mostly just taking out the capitalization for ~aesthetics~, but you know. my old way of writing had very limited sentence structure variation.

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i edited this again -_-'

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