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how i bit lane and he liked it. feat. lane valhalla & haise.

hello. my name is haise, and i have a story to tell you today.

but a few points must first be addressed.

one. lane is hot.

two. lane will forever remain hot.

three. why must lane be so hot

"Laaaaane!" Haise calls, rushing down the hallway. It was 5:30am and she had been awake the whole night. Luckily, she was full of chaotic energy 24/7.

Lane did not have the energy for this. "What." He glared, whipping around. Someone was in a bad mood today.

She grins. "C'mere!" The short-haired girl waves her arms excitedly. "Let's play a game!"

"Would you just shut the hell up, Haise. No one wants to play with you." Lane growls, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his long coat. Harry squeaks out an agreement.

"That's a lie. You want to play, right?" Haise quips, running up to him and snagging one of his arms with both hands. Warm. She tugs lightly, not wanting to hurt him in fear of scaring him away.

"No. I don't. Let go." He hisses, ripping his arm out of her grip.

"Anyways, I'll explain to you what it is." She seemed unfazed, and unfolded a piece of standard white printer paper.

Uncapping her brush pen, Haise sprawls herself out flat on the ground, propped up on her elbows. "So first! We have to pick a game."

The taller boy gives a 'are you fucking kidding me' look but says nothing.

"Well, what'll it be? Beyblade? Drawing contest? A show of strength? You decide," she hums, writing out a title in a swirly modern calligraphy font. 'Haise vs Lane' in bold red.

"Stop being such an indecisive child and pick already. I don't have time for this." He took a seat on the cold metal bench. Crossing his legs one over the other in the air, he took out Lucifer. Toss, clink, catch. Toss, clink, catch.

Upon seeing its glimmer and hearing the first clink of metal, Haise pulled out a mechanical pencil and clicked it for the lead to come out. "Beyblade!!" Tiny movements of the pencil at different angles, and it created words that the human eye could understand. Fascinating, but we're not getting into science right now. Metacognitive science, that is.

"You're such an idiot. You know you won't win, right?" Lane gets up, uncrossing his legs. He walks towards where Haise is laying with a smirk. "Get up."

"Oh, so now you're interested, huh. I know your weakness now." She teases, and jumps up right into Lane's face. Unfortunately she only reached his chest while standing straight, so she had a brief close-up view of his face. Too bad it was so short-lived. She could've stared all day.

Lane nearly laughed. "It's not a weakness, it's my strength. Bring it!" Lane holds Lucifer in with three fingers in his gloved left hand, brought over in that horizontal 'i'm showing off my bey' pose.

"Sure. Race you to the stadium." Materials for the game almost forgotten, Haise took off, slipped on a marker, the marker cracked, and undoubtedly, Haise went flying and hit the ground.

Lane was already gone; far, far, away. So he was taking this with more (less?) thought than originally anticipated. Cool.

It was then that Haise remembered. Punishments for the loser.

"LAAAAANE!" Another annoying scream from Haise. Would she ever quiet down? It could be heard all the way from the other room, albeit faintly.

Upon hearing this, Shu chuckled to himself. The two got along nicely, and although their dynamic wasn't completely the same, it reminded him a bit of when he and Valt were younger.

Popular to contrary belief, the hot boy did not come rushing over when he heard his name being yelled by a 14 year old female.

Instead, Haise had to stuff the items into the hidden inside pockets of her hoodie and run (big steps) over to the training room wing. There were 15 different rooms, all gray. Some had windows. But that was not the point. All she had to do was look for a large mass of bright pink hair.

Peering into the first one, she saw nothing but darkness. Lights off. Next.

Now, I won't bore you with the details, but she did eventually find Lane. Beyblade noises gave it all away. He left the door open too.

While she was walking, she thought of a brilliant strategy. Tornado Staller.

Basically it's where the Bey 'stalls' on the outermost ridge of the stadium, and it circles around really fast in what is actually a spiral, since the Beystadiums are built with a concave design in mind. Since no Bey can touch Lucifer while the petals on 2D are out, it would be better to wait it out until they retract. But you know what'd be really cool? If the petals locked like on the Cho-Z Kakusei Beys. That's be waaaay too overpowered though, and from what we've seen Lucifer already seems pretty good. But Lane? You could've done better. Back to the story.

Haise stepped in, making sure her footsteps thumped loudly and dramatically. It was all about the coolness effect. "Oi! You forgot about the punishment! And you also made me fall-"

"Hmm? You're finally here, Haise. What a dumb loser." Lane commented, still holding onto his launcher.

She looked away. "Shaddup."

He smirked. "And what was that I heard about you falling?"

"Nothing. That's not the important part. What's important is you forgot the punishment portion of the game," Haise informed, pulling out the crinkled paper once again.

Now it was Lane's turn to be silent.

"Are you... by any chance..." She paused, "A masochist?" A grin popped up on Haise's face.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not," he glared, "What's it to you?" He threw off his coat and stepped closer.

"I, uhh..." Haise fiddled with Haltryx. "So, like, if I bit you, would you like that?"

"Try it and we'll see." Lane's voice was unsuggestive and lacking emotion.

Haise's eyes lit up, being the chaotic oc™ that we all strive to be. "Really? Where?"

Mr. Valhalla coughed.

idk how to write anything else without cringing aaaaa

i'll only write more if someone de m a n d s it



like i want to write it but at the same time i dont


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