o n e

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Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
F/C: favorite color
E/c: eye color

(So for people who were here before: I'm slightly rewriting this, I'm not changing it to much just little details and y/n is a little more sassy because why not. So enjoy!)

_________Y/n POV

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Running. It feels like my whole life I've been running. Running away from people, responsibility, pain. But now that I am physically actually running away I think I really needed to exercise more.

I feel like I am running 1mph.

The sun was starting to set in and I could see it slowly reaching the horizon. I looked up from the trees in the forest and saw buildings. I thought I must be getting close to the city. I entered the roads and just about got hit by every car in the city but I somehow managed to make it inside an abandoned building. I practically collapsed on the floor.

God I hate running. I am not one for the 'exercise fatigue', I've been a lab potato for as long as I can remember. In fact I got my powers there too and a few scars... scratch that a lot of scars. I can only remember glimpse of my past, kinda depressing but that shits over and all I can look forward to is the future.

I plan on going out of the country and live out my last few years in solitary. You see fire powers are a fun things but when your modified like I am. Your body doesn't change with your powers. Slowly my body has been burning away. My blood starts to turn black. Then it'll hit my bones. Then my brain. Kinda a badass way to go though so I won't complain.

Hydra has kept me in captivity almost my whole life. It wasn't until a few months ago that I've reached my quote on quote "potential." This is my first time out in the real world without a mission or command. Usually people in hydra are brainwashed but my slow death sentence helps me not get hypnotized. I pretend and follow my orders. So when the time like this arrived I could make my run.

I paced around the building, if you could even call it such. The structure was lose and had no floors. Like an empty shell painted to look like a waste or hard work. When in fact there was no hard work at all.

I could hear Rats running along the floor. It was dark but the moon shining through the foggy cracked windows made it capable to get by. A small pipe fell from above. I looked around in a upward circle. Could have been a rat—

My feet flung off the ground and I felt a big weight push into my right side. I clung onto whatever it was, eyes closed. It started to travel upwards and out a small roof window, I could feel the cold air on my face.

I opened them slightly to see a man in a red mask inches away from my eyes. "Are you hydra?"

He turned his head at me, his white goggles got smaller as if he was confused. "No?" He sounded almost offended. His voice was definitely that of a little kid. I chose not to say anything else, because in any case I did offend him he could drop me right into the middle of the Manhattan traffic.

We landed on a balcony of a fancy building and I finally let go of the Spandex man. I turned over to see a nicely lit living room.

An elevator noise filled the room and suddenly the room started to fill up with many other people. A man in an iron suit came up to me. He knelt down right in front. "Are you ok?"

"Where am I?" I replied.

"The Avengers Facility."

"Can I leave?"

He was taken back. He stood up and cleared his throat. "I'm afraid that's not possible right now."

I sat in silence. All this running. It's never ends.

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